
492 results

09 October 2023

Richard Norte in various media

06 October 2023

Reducing motion sickness crucial to acceptance of self-driving cars

Reducing motion sickness crucial to acceptance of self-driving cars

Self-driving cars still have a number of hurdles to overcome. Reducing motion sickness is a crucial factor in this respect.

05 October 2023

Emeritus Professor Sietsma gifts Jacob Wallenberg grant to Materials Science and Engineering department

Emeritus Professor Sietsma gifts Jacob Wallenberg grant to Materials Science and Engineering department

Jilt Sietsma schonk zijn recente subsidie van de Jacob Wallenberg Foundation aan de afdeling en maakte een upgrade van een van de optische microscopen mogelijk, waar studenten en onderzoekers nog jaren van kunnen profiteren.

03 October 2023

Sikke Klein in various media

03 October 2023

Gerwin Smit in various media

25 September 2023

TU Delft revolutionizes wheelchair sports with precision power measurements

TU Delft revolutionizes wheelchair sports with precision power measurements

Met slechts twee kleine sensoren, niet groter dan een twee euro munt, kunnen we nu het vermogen van rolstoelsporters meten met een indrukwekkende precisie van wel 2%.

25 September 2023

Modelling of adhesive technology sheds new light on prehistoric cognition

Modelling of adhesive technology sheds new light on prehistoric cognition

Studying prehistoric production processes of birch bark tar using computational modelling reveals what kinds of cognition were required for the materials produced by Neanderthal and early modern humans.

18 September 2023

Mark de Ruit in various media

12 September 2023

David Abbink in various media

08 September 2023

Cosimo Della Santina in various media

07 September 2023

Mathias Peirlinck in various media

06 September 2023

TU Delft students create 3D-printed larynx

TU Delft students create 3D-printed larynx

In cases of upper airway obstruction, acute surgery to open the trachea just below the larynx is the only solution. Due to the rarity of this syndrome, doctors have very little experience with this life-saving procedure. Doctors at the Reinier de Graaf Hospital and students at TU Delft decided that this had to change. Together they developed a realistic and durable model of the larynx.

05 September 2023

ERC Starting Grant for developing adaptive transport systems with self-learning capabilities

ERC Starting Grant for developing adaptive transport systems with self-learning capabilities

Bilge Atasoy, associate professor at the Department of Maritime & Transport Technology, has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant to develop adaptive transport systems. She will work on a holistic adaptive modelling framework that considers the interactions between supply and demand to make transport more efficient, sustainable and user-centric.

14 August 2023

Gifted children introduced to Marine Technology

Gifted children introduced to Marine Technology

The faculty building, which had been somewhat empty during the summer holiday, was enlivened by the visit of 40 enthusiastic children of above-average intelligence. The group was given an interactive introduction to the world of Marine Technology.

10 August 2023

Research on drop-outs and transfer students at 3mE and CEG

Research on drop-outs and transfer students at 3mE and CEG

The 3mE faculty and CEG faculty of TU Delft and The Hague University of Applied Sciences are conducting research to place and retain students in the most appropriate programmes as quickly as possible. For this purpose, they have received an AC grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

08 August 2023

Yongxiang Yang in various media

04 August 2023

Liselore Tissen in various media

03 August 2023

Four 3mE researchers receive Veni grant

Four 3mE researchers receive Veni grant

TU Delft receives a total of 17 Venis, 4 of which are awarded to researchers at the 3mE faculty. The funds will be used for a variety of research projects, from giving robots the intelligence to handle deformable objects to a catheter that ensures safer minimal invasive heart surgery.

31 July 2023

Matthijs Langelaar appointed professor of Computational Design & Mechanics

Matthijs Langelaar appointed professor of Computational Design & Mechanics

Matthijs Langelaar was appointed professor at TU Delft on 5 July. His research focuses on developing algorithms capable of solving mechanical design problems.

21 July 2023

In memoriam - Cees van Rhee (1959-2023)

In memoriam - Cees van Rhee (1959-2023)

It is with sadness that we learned of the passing of our dear colleague Cees van Rhee on Saturday 15 July 2023 during his holiday in France. Cees was professor of Dredging Technology at the Department of Maritime & Transport Technology at TU Delft since 2007.

07 July 2023

Extra-resilient crops through integration of plant biology, simulation models and AI

Extra-resilient crops through integration of plant biology, simulation models and AI

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) announced its contribution of 15 million euros to PlantXR, a CropXR research programme into 'smart breeding' of extra resilient crops (eXtra Resilient, XR). This impulse brings CropXR's total budget to over €90 million for the next 10 years. NWO’s grant marks the start of the new Dutch institute CropXR, which integrates plant biology, computational modelling, and artificial intelligence into 'smart breeding methods'. Those will be used to develop crop varieties that are more resilient to climate change and less dependent on chemical crop protection. In CropXR, TU Delft works together with Utrecht University, Wageningen University and Research, the University of Amsterdam and dozens of plant breeding, biotech and processing companies on basic scientific research, data collection and data sharing, education, and advancing broad application of the results.

06 July 2023

Marjon Stijntjes voted best 3mE educator 2022-2023

Marjon Stijntjes voted best 3mE educator 2022-2023

They praised her for the clear structure of her teaching and innovative teaching methods. Among other things, Stijntjes develops and teaches the course Extramural Sensing and Virtual Stimulation as part of the master’s programme in Technical Medicine.

03 July 2023

2023 Professor of Excellence Award goes to Just Herder

2023 Professor of Excellence Award goes to Just Herder

The 2023 Professor of Excellence Award has been awarded to Just Herder, professor of Interactive Mechanisms and Mechatronics, for his exceptional ability to demystify complex concepts and for his special role as a mentor and an example to students and PhD students at home and abroad.

29 June 2023

Three Vidi's for 3mE: Wouter Westerveld, Remco Hartkamp and Carlas Smith

Three Vidi's for 3mE: Wouter Westerveld, Remco Hartkamp and Carlas Smith

Eight researchers from TU Delft, including two from the 3mE Faculty, namely Wouter Westerveld, Remco Hartkamp and Carlas Smith, received a Vidi grant in June for their research proposals.

26 June 2023

Review of the Maritime Engineering Design Day

Review of the Maritime Engineering Design Day

During the Design Day of the undergraduate Maritime Engineering program, all first-year students tested their self-designed ship model. The students were instructed to make the sailing condition and heavy load condition as optimal as possible.

26 June 2023

Jeroen Pruijn in various media

23 June 2023

Jilt Sietsma in various media

23 June 2023

Maria Santofimia Navarro in various media

20 June 2023

Mechanical engineering students display their Precision Disc Thrower

Mechanical engineering students display their Precision Disc Thrower

Designing a precision disc thrower is an ambitious challenge. ‘A lot goes into this kind of mechanical design. It has to have sufficient power, speed and precision. The rotation of the disc around its own axis – known as the gyroscopic effect – is also important,’ says Regine Vroom, coordinator of the design project.

12 June 2023

Aimée Sakes in various media

08 June 2023

Pupils from VMBO 1 are introduced to professions at faculty 3mE

Pupils from VMBO 1 are introduced to professions at faculty 3mE

The 3mE faculty provided a short internship for pupils from the first class of VMBO (pre-vocational secondary education) SC Delfland from Delft. The introduction on what a university is and the importance of technology and education & research for Delft and society was followed by four introductions to professions at 3mE.

07 June 2023

ChatGPT designs its first robot with TU Delft researchers

ChatGPT designs its first robot with TU Delft researchers

Can ChatGPT also design a robot? And is this a good thing for the design process, or are there risks? TU Delft researchers published their findings in Nature Machine Intelligence.

26 May 2023

David Abbink in various media

16 May 2023

Sikke Klein in various media

09 May 2023

Shoshan Abrahami in various media

08 May 2023

TU Delft focuses on battery of the future

TU Delft focuses on battery of the future

A major challenge in the energy transition is the efficient and flexible storage and transportation of renewable energy. Batteries will play an important role in this. However, much research and innovation are still required. In order to encourage this, on Thursday 11 May 2023 TU Delft will be launching e4BatteryDelft: a brand-new platform that will focus on electrochemical storage of renewable energy – with respect for the world around us, in a way that is affordable and also totally European.

04 May 2023

Dingena Schott appointed professor of Machine Cargo Interaction Engineering

Dingena Schott appointed professor of Machine Cargo Interaction Engineering

Dingena Schott has been appointed professor of Machine Cargo Interaction Engineering in the Department of Maritime and Transport Technology (M&TT) starting 26 April 2023. Schott’s research focuses on improving and developing tools for transporting and processing granular materials.

28 April 2023

Jilt Sietsma, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering made Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion

Jilt Sietsma, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering made Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion

26 April 2023

Four Royal Honours at TU Delft

Four Royal Honours at TU Delft

Professors Marileen Dogterom, Herman Russchenberg, Jilt Sietsma and Peter Vink all received royal honours on 26 April 2023.

20 April 2023

Amir Zadpoor in various media