
217 results

01 May 2024

IDE in the media (Week 18 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 18 2024)

Learn more about our research, teaching and staff through these articles.

29 April 2024

Design labels: the words that divide and unite us

Design labels: the words that divide and unite us

As designers, how do we explain what we do? There's a wide range of design labels to choose from. And it makes sense. Labels are a way for us as designers to indicate what we do, how we do it and what we value. What if we had a framework which allows us to explain every aspect of our design practice? IDE researchers Pieter Jan Stappers, Froukje Sleeswijk Visser and Annemiek van Boeijen developed such a framework.

24 April 2024

5 COALA innovations published on EU Innovation Radar

5 COALA innovations published on EU Innovation Radar

The EU Innovation Radar, which compiles cutting-edge EU-funded innovations, just published five innovations created within the COALA consortium. The COALA project designed and developed an AI-Powered Cognitive Assistant for the manufacturing sector. TU Delft was a key contributor for most of the innovations claimed in COALA.

22 April 2024

Discover the 21 Reimagining Mobility course projects

Discover the 21 Reimagining Mobility course projects

Where is the future of mobility taking us? What is a meaningful mobility solution? During the last nine weeks, 80 students in the Reimagining Mobility Bachelor elective led by Eui Young Kim, have explored these questions. The theme of this year was redesigning air travel. The students designed a future mobility concept presented in a digital advertorial format and showcased their work at an exhibition on 15 April. Let’s explore some of these projects.

21 April 2024

The holistic textile design research of Holly McQuillan

The holistic textile design research of Holly McQuillan

As a fashion and textile design engineer, IDE researcher Holly McQuillan wants to change the fashion industry by introducing it to the woven textile-form technique, a kind of 3D weaving which involves creating three-dimensional form by using the weaving process. Through this she wants to make the industry more sustainable by providing realistic tools. “Automated 3D weaving increases control and flexibility, and may make production more cost efficient.”

18 April 2024

Jelt Cup Cleaning Station pilot at TU Delft

Jelt Cup Cleaning Station pilot at TU Delft

IDE students have once again shown that taking initiative can be key in creating a better designed environment. Since 2024, tea and coffee drinkers on campus have been required to use reusable cups. Upon finding that 65% of students experience difficulty in keeping their cups clean, a group of IDE students designed the Jelt Cup Cleaning Station. And now, TU Delft has agreed to do a pilot run of their stations on campus. You can test them out for yourself from 22 April to 3 May in the Aula, BK, and library

18 April 2024

IDE in the media (Week 16 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 16 2024)

Learn more about our research, teaching and staff through these articles.

18 April 2024

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 16 2024)

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 16 2024)

IDE researchers have been hard at work getting their research published. This week’s highlights include a paper from IDE PhD candidates Puck Bos and Linda Ritzen, assistant professor Sonja van Dam, and professors Ruud Balkenende and Conny Bakker...

16 April 2024

How design can help local governments better serve their communities

How  design can help local governments better serve their communities

Governments increasingly see the value of design practices in public service and policy issues, but there are obstacles when it comes to implementation. As an emerging field, there is not much knowledge on design in the public sector. Through her PhD research, Ahmee Kim set out to explore what hinders design for policy practices and how embedding design in organisations can create value, helping local governments to better serve their communities.

04 April 2024

Delft at Milan Design Week 2024

Delft at Milan Design Week 2024

The work of recent IDE graduates will feature at Milan Design Week later this month. Interdependence is an exhibition featuring 125 student projects from international design schools.

03 April 2024

IDE in the media (Week 14 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 14 2024)

Learn more about our research, teaching and staff through these articles.

03 April 2024

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 14 2024)

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 14 2024)

This week’s highlights include a paper from IDE associate professor Dave Murray-Rust, postdoctoral researcher Alessandro Ianniello, and researcher Aadjan van der Helm that won a best alt.HRI paper at HRI2024.

20 March 2024

IDE in the media (Week 12 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 12 2024)

Find out more about our research, education, and staff via these articles. Read more

20 March 2024

IDE publication highlights (Week 12 2024)

IDE publication highlights (Week 12 2024)

IDE researchers have been hard at work getting their research published. This week’s highlights include a newly published book from IDE assistant professor Shakrokh Nikou entitled “Global Business Services in the Era of Digital Transformation”. To dive into all the publication highlights from this week, look below.

20 March 2024

Open source interactive textbook on computational design

Open source interactive textbook on computational design

A team of IDE educators have contributed to the TUD Open Interactive Textbook Project with their open source textbook Computational design for (industrial) designers using Rhino Grasshopper. The interactive book is intended for students both at bachelor and master level and focusses on the use of computational design to create human-centred, personalized products. It offers an introduction, and more advanced knowledge base by way of short videos, structured lessons and links to more information or helpful resources.

19 March 2024

IDE alumnus Britt Müller wins the Klokhuis Science Prize 2024

IDE alumnus Britt Müller wins the Klokhuis Science Prize 2024

What lurks behind the doors of a children's hospital? It can be pretty scary if you don't know, especially as a child. But what if you could take a peek inside? Britt Müller set about to do exactly this via her IDE graduation project. And now, with her ‘Even Spieken’ game (designed for the Hospital Hero app), Britt has won the Klockhuis Science Award 2024.

15 March 2024

A train car design for day and night

A train car design for day and night

Did you ever watch the film 'Murder on the Orient Express'? Inspector Hercule Poirot tries to solve the mysterious murder of an American businessman on the infamous night train. The film paints a very romantic picture of the night train, but is that still the case? "Actually, the business case of the night train doesn’t quite stack up," explains IDE Alumnus Annabelle Out. That’s why Annabelle designed a carriage interior for both day and night trains for engineering firm Royal HaskoningDHV.

06 March 2024

IDE publication highlights (Week 10 2024)

IDE publication highlights (Week 10 2024)

IDE researchers have been hard at work getting their research published. This week’s highlights include a paper from three TU Delft researchers, including professor Caspar Chorus.

06 March 2024

IDE in the media (Week 10 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 10 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 10 2024) - Find out more about our research, education, and staff via these articles. Read more

06 March 2024

Project on sustainable infrastructures in libraries receives NWO funding

Project on sustainable infrastructures in libraries receives NWO funding

The NWO has awarded 3 research projects in the call ‘Climate & Cultural Heritage: Collaborative research to address urgent challenges’. One of the projects was co-authored by IDE research fellow Jeff Love. The ReVerDi project assesses the various digital infrastructures libraries use from an environmental perspective and aims to find the optimal mix.

03 March 2024

Acoustic environment research in pediatric ICU receives NWO funding

Acoustic environment research in pediatric ICU receives NWO funding

The acoustic environment has a major impact on human health, both indoors and outdoors. But we do not yet have the technology to measure the quality of ambient sound. This can have a negative impact in critical care environments such as a pediatric ICU. IDE Associate Professor Elif Ozcan Vieira and her collaborators receive NWO funding to research a solution.

21 February 2024

Four grants awarded to IDE projects by Open Education Stimulation Fund

Four grants awarded to IDE projects by Open Education Stimulation Fund

The Open Education Stimulation Fund (OESF) 2023 has awarded grants to four project proposals by IDE educators and researchers. A total of 13 TU Delft proposals have received the grant. The OESF encourages TU Delft staff to innovate their teaching with open educational resources and practices.

21 February 2024

IDE publication highlights (Week 8 2024)

IDE publication highlights (Week 8 2024)

IDE researchers have been hard at work getting their research published. This week’s highlights includes two papers from PhD candidate Mahshid Hasankhani, professor Jo van Engelen, assistant professor Sine Celik, and professor Jan Carel Diehl that focus on hydrogen and offer insights from 59 initiatives and discussions with over 30 experts.

21 February 2024

IDE in the media (Week 8 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 8 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 8 2024) - Find out more about our research, education, and staff via these articles.

20 February 2024

IDE Alumnus Simon van der Jagt: “Designers give meaning to technology”

IDE Alumnus Simon van der Jagt: “Designers give meaning to technology”

Simon van der Jagt is founder of green chip company Nowi. He sees great value of designers in the tech sector. "The university has so much knowledge. But what concrete problem is being solved for people? Where and when is technology the solution? Designers ask the right questions."

19 February 2024

Three sustainability-led projects receive NWO-KIC grants

Three sustainability-led projects receive NWO-KIC grants

Researchers at the TU Delft | Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering have been granted NWO-KIC funding for three separate projects. Two projects focus on repairability and one tackles the challenge of reusable packaging. The IDE researchers involved are Ruth Mugge, Ruud Balkenende, Lise Magnier, Sonja van Dam and Conny Bakker. Keep reading to find out more about each of the three projects.

14 February 2024

Becoming healthier through smart game design

Becoming healthier through smart game design

Valentijn Visch designs solutions to motivate people to pay attention to their health. For this, he uses techniques such as game design and interactive storytelling. Collaboration with researchers inside and outside TU Delft is key for him. "More and more health researchers want a designer to join."

13 February 2024

Designing a good fit starts with data

Designing a good fit starts with data

A good fit is desirable with lots of products, but it’s especially important when it comes to something like a ventilation mask for young children. However, it’s hard to design a close-fitting mask without relevant anthropometric data. For her PhD, Lyè Goto collected and analysed a unique and detailed 3D dataset that can support designers in achieving better product sizing for masks and other potential applications.

13 February 2024

Improving implants for a tiny joint with a big impact

Improving implants for a tiny joint with a big impact

From opening a jar, to writing with a pen, or tying shoelaces, thumbs play an important role in enabling numerous daily activities. But due to osteoarthritis, many people experience pain or loss of mobility in the thumb joint, which can limit their ability to function. For her PhD, Helen Yuan aimed to gain deeper insights into the structure and movement mechanics of this joint to help researchers and healthcare professionals improve and develop more effective treatments for patients.

12 February 2024

Getting more comfortable with smartphone use

Getting more comfortable with smartphone use

Whether traveling by plane, train, or bus, nowadays most passengers can be found using a smartphone. But limited space for movement and keeping the neck bent for long periods of time can result in discomfort for many people, particularly in the neck, shoulders, arms, and back. For her PhD, Sumalee Udomboonyanupap explored what it takes to design an improved seating environment in trains, providing passengers a more comfortable experience with smartphone use.

08 February 2024

IDE in the media (Week 6 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 6 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 6 2024)

08 February 2024

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 6 2024)

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 6 2024)

IDE researchers have been hard at work getting their research published. This week’s highlights includes an open-source article by PhD candidates Roos Teeuwen and Vasileios Milias, professor Alessandro Bozzon, and assistant professor Achilleas Psyllidis

30 January 2024

Interactive Environments Minor students bring the Library's Collection Wall back to life

Interactive Environments Minor students bring the Library's Collection Wall back to life

Several projects being led by or involving IDE researchers have secured kick-starter grants from the Convergence’s Resilient Delta Initiative.

24 January 2024

IDE in the media (Week 4 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 4 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 4 2024)

24 January 2024

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 4 2024)

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 4 2024)

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 4 2024)