
226 results

15 October 2024

TU Delft op Dutch Design Week 2024

This year's Dutch Design Week 2024 (19 - 27 October) features a range of work from TU Delft staff and students. Find out what’s happening below, mark it in your diaries, and see you there!

10 October 2024

New 3D Printing Technique by TU Delft and MIT

New 3D Printing Technique by TU Delft and MIT

Researchers at Delft University of Technology and MIT have developed a novel 3D printing technique called Speed-Modulated Ironing, enabling high-resolution surface textures and colour gradients using just a single material. By using one nozzle to 3D print and the second nozzle to re-heat printed areas at varying speeds, the team controls colour and texture of temperature-responsive materials. The work is presented at the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST).

09 October 2024

Theatre and dance makers collaborate with IDE to design more social robots

Theatre and dance makers collaborate with IDE to design more social robots

Robots are increasingly able to perform simple tasks and convey messages. But they still lack many skills needed for interaction and communication. That is why researchers and artists are working together in the new research project Dramaturgy for Devices to improve robots' behaviour and communication skills. Marco Rozendaal: ‘The skills of artists are very useful to design robots that will function in our daily lives.’

09 October 2024

Opinion: Meat substitutes? Plants should be the hero on our plates, with animals in a supporting role

Opinion: Meat substitutes? Plants should be the hero on our plates, with animals in a supporting role

“A sustainable food system does not come with even better meat substitutes, but with a balanced food culture.” Read the op-ed by PhD candidate and lecturer Anna-Louisa Peeters, where she shares her thoughts on the protein transition. She calls out to three main societal groups that can help us make a real cultural change in our eating habits. This peace was published in de Volkskrant last week.

09 October 2024

Strong IDE presence at ACM AutoUI 2024 Conference

Strong IDE presence at ACM AutoUI 2024 Conference

Last week, a team from IDE attended the AutomotiveUI Conference in California. Hosted by Stanford University, IDE was well represented at the conference by SPD alumnus Akshay Rege, researcher Soyeon Kim, professor Nicole Van Nes, and assistant professor Euiyoung Kim – all of whom contributed to the event in different ways, e.g. podium presentation of a joint paper, hosting a workshop, and chairing a session.

09 October 2024

IDE in the media (Week 41 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 41 2024)

Curious about which of our researchers, educators, students, and alumni have been featured in the media recently? Then be sure to check out this week's "In the Media" article.

08 October 2024

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 41 2024)

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 41 2024)

Click here to view recent publication highlights from our staff and students.

02 October 2024

AI voice assistant helps the visually impaired learn digital skills

AI voice assistant helps the visually impaired learn digital skills

We are glued to our screens. Televisions, computers, tablets, smartphones. They offer a world of possibilities and are – for the most part - easy to use. But what about people who are visually impaired or blind? Are their needs considered when designing these devices? No, says IDE alumnus Konrad Krawczyk. That’s why he created an AI-based voice assistant to help people with visual impairment learn digital skills.

01 October 2024

Interview with Jan-Carel Diehl: “TU Delft is one big research playground”

Interview with Jan-Carel Diehl: “TU Delft is one big research playground”

Professor of Design for Inclusive Sustainable Healthcare Jan-Carel Diehl combines healthcare solutions with care for our planet. His many projects make an impact from Rotterdam to Sub-Saharan Africa. Where does he want to make a difference? What is he most proud of? And where lies the added value of a designer in the healthcare sector? Find out in this interview. Prof Diehl gives his inaugural lecture at TU Delft's Aula on Friday 11 October.

26 September 2024

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 39 2024)

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 39 2024)

Click here to view recent publication highlights from our staff and students.

25 September 2024

New Delft Lectures in Design

New Delft Lectures in Design

This autumn marks the introduction of IDE’s three renewed Masters programmes. One of the unifying features is a stronger link with the world-leading research carried out in IDE. “Delft Lectures in Design - Where IDE moves the Horizons of Design Research” is a case in point. This new cross-programme course serves as a rigorous and inspiring introduction to the broad variety of IDE’s research.

25 September 2024

Flight Case 2024: A Journey to Japan

Flight Case 2024: A Journey to Japan

From 22 July – 3 August, 20 IDE master students, 8 committee members from the ID Study Association, assistant professor Rebecca Price, and professor Gerd Kortuem travelled to Japan for a unique learning experience. The group worked on cases for three global companies, Sony, NHK Spring, and Sekisui, each of which provided its own distinct challenges and insights.

25 September 2024

Marina Bos-de Vos wins EURAM best paper award

Marina Bos-de Vos wins EURAM best paper award

At the end of June, IDE Assistant Professor of Strategic Design for Ecosystem Innovation, Marina Bos-de Vos, won two awards as a first author at the European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference for her research paper "Projecting for accelerating sustainability transitions: practices of joint value creation in circular economy programs".

23 September 2024

Breaking the bubble in Buitenhof: TU student explores the connecting power of a mural

Breaking the bubble in Buitenhof: TU student explores the connecting power of a mural

Op 16 september onthulde burgemeester Marja van Bijsterveld officieel de nieuwe muurschildering ‘Cherished’, op de flat aan de Haydnlaan in Buitenhof. TU Student Virginia Facciotto deed voor haar master ‘Design for Interaction’ een half jaar onderzoek naar de vraag wat de waarde van een mural is voor de wijk: “De muurschildering kan zeker bijdragen aan een positief beeld over de wijk, maar dan moet wel het hele verhaal verteld worden.”

11 September 2024

TU Delft master’s projects advance to international stage of James Dyson Award 2024

TU Delft master’s projects advance to international stage of James Dyson Award 2024

Two student-led projects (Biomeon and EDUSCOPE) developed at the TU Delft | Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering have been selected as runners-up in the 2024 James Dyson Award in the Netherlands.

11 September 2024

Joana Martins receives €400k grant to research CO2 absorption in cyanobacteria

Joana Martins receives €400k grant to research CO2 absorption in cyanobacteria

IDE assistant professor Joana Soares de Oliveira Martins’ research project, “Can Ancient Cyanobacteria Save Our Planet?”, has received a €400,000 grant within the NWO's Open Competition Domain Science-M programme.

11 September 2024

IDE in the media (Week 37 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 37 2024)

Curious about which of our researchers, educators, students, and alumni have been featured in the media recently? Then be sure to check out this week's "In the Media" article.

11 September 2024

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 37 2024)

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 37 2024)

Click here to view all recent publication highlights from our staff and students.

24 August 2024

Sustainability scores could boost green travel

Sustainability scores could boost green travel

How do we gently push travellers to explore more sustainable travel methods, such as trains? IDE alumnus Jenske Gosens dedicated her graduation project to figuring this out. Her recommendation? A neutral booking platform that assigns sustainability scores to different travel methods. “This platform both motivates and facilitates different kinds of travellers.”

30 July 2024

Interview with Elvin Karana: “Technology can be a valuable tool to rebuild our bond with nature”

Interview with Elvin Karana: “Technology can be a valuable tool to rebuild our bond with nature”

Elvin Karana is a Professor of Materials Innovation and Design at the TU Delft, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering and a global frontrunner in the field of biodesign research. In this interview, we explore what inspires her to study at the intersection of biology and design. What the not-so-distant future holds for biodesign research. And what makes her research group so unique.

30 July 2024

How to embed citizens’ values in smart traffic systems

How to embed citizens’ values in smart traffic systems

The ‘Code the Streets’ system is being developed to allow for road space to be used for different activities throughout the day. But how do we choose, in a fair way, what our roads will be used for? IDE alumni Fabian Geiser designed a system map that helps to embed stakeholder values like safety and inclusivity into navigation systems.

25 July 2024

App to pre-order flight meals saves fuel and food

App to pre-order flight meals saves fuel and food

Design students Joep van Gils and Inès Peeters have designed a concept for a pre-order app that allows passengers to choose their in-flight meals in advance when they check in online. “This is a quick win and cost-neutral solution for airlines to fly more sustainably, reduce food waste and improve travel experience.”

23 July 2024

TU Delft and Stanford students codesign new self-driving car feature

TU Delft and Stanford students codesign new self-driving car feature

For the first time, Delft Design students from the TU Delft | Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering participated in Stanford University’s Faculty of Mechanical Engineering’s ME310 course. During which they collaborated with Stanford students to create MorphLock, a system designed for self-driving cars that uses particle jamming technology to lock objects in place.

03 July 2024

10 principles to forge resilient designers

10 principles to forge resilient designers

Designers go out into the world to solve big picture problems. Issues related to sustainability, health or the energy transition for example. As a consequence, they encounter resistance to change. How do we prepare designers to be strong and capable? Discover research by Rebecca Price and Mieke van der Bijl-Brouwer, and their 10 principles to guide designers in their own practice of building resilience.

28 June 2024

TU Delft student team designs a self-supporting lunar village

TU Delft student team designs a self-supporting lunar village

Dream Team ‘Space Oasis Delft’ has designed a lunar village for 150+ residents. The dwellings have elements of biomimicry, contain a self-sustaining biosphere and simulate a day-night cycle as well as seasons. Smart design choices safeguard not only the occupants' safety but also their mental well-being.

27 June 2024

Professor John Clarkson awarded CBE in King’s Birthday Honours list 2024

Professor John Clarkson awarded CBE in King’s Birthday Honours list 2024

Congratulations to John Clarkson, Professor of Healthcare Systems at IDE, who has been honoured with a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the King's Birthday Honours List 2024 for his services to Engineering and Design.

27 June 2024

IDE Educator of the Year 2024

IDE Educator of the Year 2024

The ID student association is excited to announce that Jordan Boyle has been chosen as the IDE Educator of the Year 2024. Jordan is an assistant professor within SDE. He coordinates and teaches courses within our Bachelor's and Master’s in IPD. Jordan was selected as this year’s IDE Educator of the Year recipient for his attitude and approach to teaching.

26 June 2024

TU Delft and Polimi students shine in MAK Frankfurt exhibition

TU Delft and Polimi students shine in MAK Frankfurt exhibition

Students from the TU Delft | Faculty of Industrial Design and Politecnico di Milano featured in special exhibition at Museum Angewandte Kunst (MAK) in Frankfurt.

26 June 2024

ID Education hosts the 2024 Pluim Awards

ID Education hosts the 2024 Pluim Awards

On 15 May, ID Education hosted the 2024 Pluim Awards at ID Kafee. The event aims to shine a spotlight on the staff of IDE, thanking them for all they do within education and beyond. Click here to discover this year’s nominees and award winners.

25 June 2024

IDE in the media (Week 26 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 26 2024)

Curious about which of our researchers, educators, students, and alumni have been featured in the media recently? Then be sure to check out this week's "In the Media" article.

21 June 2024

David Abbink receives Stevin Prize

David Abbink receives Stevin Prize

David Abbink ontvangt dit jaar de NWO Stevinpremie. De Stevinpremie en de Spinozapremie zijn de hoogste Nederlandse onderscheidingen in de wetenschap. Ze worden jaarlijks uitgereikt aan vier mensen in totaal ‘voor hun uitmuntende, baanbrekende en inspirerende werk’, aldus NWO, die dit nieuws vandaag bekend maakt. Abbink ontvangt 1,5 miljoen euro te besteden aan wetenschappelijk onderzoek en kennisbenutting. Hij ontvangt de Stevinpremie met name voor de maatschappelijke impact van zijn onderzoek.

12 June 2024

IDE in the Media (Week 24 2024)

IDE in the Media (Week 24 2024)

Learn more about our research, education, and staff through these articles.

12 June 2024

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 24 2024)

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 24 2024)

IDE researchers have been hard at work getting their research published. This week’s highlights include a paper from IDE assistant professor Christina Schneegass that contributes a vision of how neurotechnology will transform Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research and practice.

12 June 2024

Advancing the painting industry by exploring the design of smart agents

Advancing the painting industry by exploring the design of smart agents

Over the past year, Marco Rozendaal, Nazli Cila, and Jordan Boyle have been collaborating with the SUSAG Foundation to advance the professional painting industry by exploring the design and implementation of smart agents, like robots, exoskeletons, and intelligent equipment. In partnership with MUZUS and many students from IDE, they have conducted research, developed innovative concepts, and created a comprehensive roadmap for the industry’s future.

12 June 2024

Gijs Huisman receives NWO grant for research on dark haptics

Gijs Huisman receives NWO grant for research on dark haptics

Can technology deceive us through our sense of touch? And if so, how much do we mind? Dark design patterns are tricks in apps and websites that prompt us to do things we don't really want, such as quickly clicking ‘accept all’ on a cookie notification. Gijs Huisman: ‘The aim of my research is to be able to better recognise misleading designs in the future and more ideally avoid them.’