ID Education hosts the 2024 Pluim Awards

News - 26 June 2024 - Communication

On 15 May 2024, ID Education hosted the 2024 Pluim Awards at ID Kafee. The event aims to shine a spotlight on the staff of IDE, thanking them for all they do within education and beyond.

This year’s  event was a definite success with great company, nice weather, and plenty of celebrating to be had. Below you can find this year’s nominees and award winners:

Most Inspiring Educator

  1. Ianus Keller 
  2. Rebecca Price
  3. Haian Xue
  4. Jordan Boyle (Award winner)

  5. Sepideh Ghodrat
  6. Marieke Sonneveld
  7. Charl Smit
  8. Frido Smulders
  9. Roy Bendor
  10. Gerard Nijenhuis
  11. Heidi Carlsberg
  12. Evangelos Niforatos
  13. Wim Schermer
  14. Jacob de Baan

Funniest Staff Member

  1. Peter Vink (Award winner)

  2. Mark Sypesteyn
  3. Wouter van der Hoog
  4. Jordan Boyle
  5. Joost Alferink
  6. Stefan Persaud

Most Committed Coach

  1. Sergej Schetselaar
  2. Caiseal Beardow
  3. Wim Schermer
  4. Marie-Claire Looze (Award winner)

  5. Gerand nijenhuis
  6. Sam Franklin
  7. Noor Doucet
  8. Jacob de Baan

Favourite Lecturer

  1. Kars Alfrink
  2. Peter Vink
  3. Rebecca Price
  4. Jordan Boyle (Award winner)

  5. Elif Ozcan
  6. Ianus Keller
  7. Frido Smulders
  8. Pieter Desmet
  9. Stefan Persaud
  10. Evangelos Niforatos
  11. Mathieu Gielen

Favourite IDE Staff Member

  1. Carlo Buhrer Tavanier
  2. Bike Park Team 
  3. Wiebe from the PMB
  4. Mrs. Mandez 
  5. Danielle Meyer (Award winner)

Favourite Teaching Assistant

  1. Hidde de Cock
  2. Yash Khinvasara (Award winner)

  3. Fabian Hoogendijk
  4. Daan Rijpkema
  5. Hanne Bosma
  6. Cinta Parengkuan

Most Inspiring Course

  1. ACD
  2. DP1
  3. Advanced machine learning for design
  4. Understanding Design (Award winner)

  5. Design Strategy Project
  6. DP3
  7. IDE Academy
  8. Exploring interactions
  9. Form and senses
  10. Modelling
  11. AED
  12. Identity & Portfolio

Jury Prize 

     Gerd Kortuem

(Photos by ID study association)