Data-Centric Design

Data-Centric Design is concerned with the use of behavioural data throughout the design process of product-service systems. Behavioural data represents, for example, what people do, how they move and interact. Captured by the Internet of Things (IoT) or voluntarily logged,  this data maps the dynamic behaviour of humans and objects in time and space. It creates an abundance of perspectives, with a rich potential for novel design insights.


In the KInD group, we look at the untapped opportunities to strengthen Human-Centred Design processes with ethical and collaborative data activities. For example, how can the HCD community leverage behavioural data to enhance design processes? We specifically focus on “opening”, “connecting”, and “conversing” with behavioural data.

  • Open – Behavioural data is abundant and intimate, drawing detailed pictures of human activities. However, ‘personal’ leads to anonymisation, conflicting with rich and contextualised material used in Design. How to open stakeholder relationships with transparent aims and approaches, invite participation through data and domain expertise?
  •  Connect – There is a growing need to design remotely and at scale. In this context, data consumption as we know it from data science is limited and asynchronous. How can live behavioural data fuel novel approaches to help designers immerse themselves and empathise?
  • Converse – the design field only scratched the surface of involving users in participatory data analysis. Touching on Human-Data Interaction, how can designers actively engage users to inform Design through behavioural data?

We develop methods and tools to leverage behavioural data in the design processes of PSS to better equip designers in tackling societal challenges. By integrating data science into Participatory Design, we build the foundations for ethical and collaborative design processes beyond Human-Centred Design. We generate this knowledge through the development and use of data-centred prototypes and products with designers, potential users, and relevant authorities (e.g. HREC, ICT).

