
291 results

29 September 2018

Student-built Delft exoskeleton wins international Cybathlon

Student-built Delft exoskeleton wins international Cybathlon

The new MARCH III by TU Delft student team Project MARCH has won the Cybathlon Experience in Düsseldorf, the international obstacle race for exoskeletons. Entrants from several countries competed in the test of robotic harnesses for people with paraplegia, ending on 29 September. Together with ‘pilot’ Sjaan Quirijns, who has had paraplegia since 2000, MARCH III achieved the fastest time and the highest number of points. Thanks to improvements to the suit and intensive training of its wearer, the team successfully completed a four-obstacle course in just under 9.5 minutes. Project MARCH gained particular plaudits for the independent functioning of its device.

27 September 2018

Start of UMO: in-depth research into urban mobility

Start of UMO: in-depth research into urban mobility

24 September 2018

KNAW selected Kofi Makinwa as a new member

Prof. Dr. Kofi Makinwa, Professor Electronic Instrumentation and chair of the Micro Electronic department to the faculty of EEMCS, is selected as a new member of The Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW). Members of the KNAW, leading scientists from all disciplines, are chosen on their scientific achievements. The new academy members will be installed in September.

16 September 2018

Students win world championship with high-tech recumbent bike

Students win world championship with high-tech recumbent bike

Cyclist Lieke de Cock won the world championship for cycling in the Nevada desert in the US with a speed of 120 km/h.

12 August 2018

Van Leeuwenhoek lecture on Intimate Technology

Van Leeuwenhoek lecture on Intimate Technology

Intimate technology such as quantified self, mobile apps to share location, social media, high-tech clothing and behavior-supporting technology such as smart homes are getting "closer" in our daily lives. These digital technologies have many (potential) advantages, for example for improving our health, efficiency, safety and connection with other people.

09 August 2018

Energy for Refugees installs solar panels on Lesbos

Energy for Refugees installs solar panels on Lesbos

The goal of Energy for Refugees is to bring sustainable, reliable and cheap energy to the people who need it the most.

30 July 2018

Scientists to help Twitter gain insight into quality of online discussions

Scientists to help Twitter gain insight into quality of online discussions

An interdisciplinary team of researchers from Leiden University, Syracuse University, Bocconi University and Delft University of Technology has obtained a grant from Twitter to research and develop tools to help identify behaviors that threaten the quality of the discussions on that social media platform. In the team, TU Delft researcher Nava Tintarev (Delft University of Technology) will assess the presence of echo chambers.

25 July 2018

Professor Marcus Specht new Director Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Education and Learning

Professor Marcus Specht new Director Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Education and Learning

With effect from 1 September 2018, Professor Marcus Specht has been appointed Director at the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Education and Learning (CEL) and Professor to the Chair of Digital Education at TU Delft’s Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS).

24 July 2018

More and more robots are helping children in the hospital

More and more robots are helping children in the hospital

In a hospital you are usually helped by a doctor or nurse, but in more and more hospitals you can now also expect a robot. For example, one that you entertained in the waiting room or one that teaches you everything about a disease.

22 July 2018

Artificial Intelligence; The computer as a brain

Artificial Intelligence; The computer as a brain

One of the biggest promises in the development of technology is artificial intelligence (AI). It seems far away, but there is a big chance that you use it more often in everyday life than you think. Searching in Google, talking to Siri on your iPhone or watching tips on Netflix are all forms of artificial intelligence. Interpreting data, recognizing patterns and matching data are the basis for this.

19 July 2018

Veni awarded to Robbert Krebbers

Veni awarded to Robbert Krebbers

19 July 2018

Veni awarded to Cynthia Liem

Veni awarded to Cynthia Liem

The VENI is awarded to her subject: Recommendations for perspective broadening.

16 July 2018

Seven Veni’s for TU Delft researchers

Seven Veni’s for TU Delft researchers

NWO has announced the Veni recipients for 2018. Amongst them are seven scientists from Delft University of Technology.

16 July 2018

TU Delft starts top research facility for energy system of the future

TU Delft starts top research facility for energy system of the future

The integration of new technologies in the energy system is a vital aspect of the energy transition. As yet there are no facilities for testing new components in the high-voltage grid. TU Delft is changing this situation by building the ESP Lab (Electrical Sustainable Power Lab, Powered by TenneT). This lab will be a unique facility for top-class research into system integration in the energy system. This research is needed to be able to develop the energy system of the future.

04 July 2018

Extreme sea levels predicted to increase along global coastlines

Extreme sea levels predicted to increase along global coastlines

Future global warming will lead to an increase in ‘extreme sea levels’, with consequent flood risks to coastal infrastructure and human populations. An international research team from Italy, Greece, the Netherlands (TU Delft / Deltares) and the UK published this new research in Nature Communications.

04 July 2018

Brand new workshop: Mathematics Applied in Transport & Traffic Systems

Brand new workshop: Mathematics Applied in Transport & Traffic Systems

Mathematicians and traffic engineers will be challenged to discover each other’s research field.

01 July 2018

Subsidy for making the ‘smartest part of the North Sea’

An advanced test area of 10 x 10 nautical miles (= about 185 football pitches) is planned for off the coast of The Hague, just outside the port of Scheveningen. This area is unique in the world. It is within this ‘smartest stretch of the North Sea’ that the likes of Delft Data Science (DDS) researchers Anna Vilanova and Elmar Eisemann will get the chance to further their research.

22 June 2018

Geurt Jongbloed elected as IMS Fellow

Geurt Jongbloed elected as IMS Fellow

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics has elected twenty new Fellows.

19 June 2018

Peter Palensky announced as the new editor in chief of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine for 2019-2021

Peter Palensky announced as the new editor in chief of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine for 2019-2021

15 June 2018

Start test in living lab: waterstofgas als alternatief voor aardgas

Start test in living lab: waterstofgas als alternatief voor aardgas

Geen aardgas meer binnen de bebouwde omgeving, maar groen waterstofgas. Of dat een praktisch bruikbare oplossing is, wordt met medewerking van netwerkbedrijven Alliander, Enexis Groep en Stedin onderzocht bij The Green Village. Vrijdag 15 juni lanceren zij in dit living lab bij de TU Delft hun plan voor de Waterstof-straat en kan een start worden gemaakt met de bouw ervan.

12 June 2018

TU Delft students head to Florida with autonomous vessel

TU Delft students head to Florida with autonomous vessel

From 18 to 24 June 2018, the ‘Trident Delft’ team will be battling against student teams from all around the world in the International RoboBoat Competition in Daytona, Florida.

07 June 2018

TU Delft helps develop digital ID for use on your phone

TU Delft helps develop digital ID for use on your phone

In addition to your passport and driving licence, a phone application that enables you to prove your identity quickly and securely and also offers even more privacy options could soon be possible. As part of the Dutch Blockchain Coalition, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft, The Netherlands) has joined forces with the Netherlands Identity Data Agency (RvIG), a division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Kingdom Relations (BZK), IDEMIA (the current manufacturer of Dutch passports) and law firm CMS, in developing an initial prototype for a digital stamp that could fulfil this purpose in the future. This digital identity is based on TU Delft’s innovative blockchain technology, known as Trustchain. The prototype was demonstrated at a BZK event held on 7 June. After the summer, a consumer trial of this technology will be launched in two Dutch municipalities.

04 June 2018

TU Delft Partners with Ripple to Accelerate Innovation in Blockchain & Cryptocurrency

TU Delft Partners with Ripple to Accelerate Innovation in Blockchain & Cryptocurrency

Delft University of Technology today announced their participation in the University Blockchain Research Initiative, a new program founded by Ripple to support academic research, technical development and innovation in blockchain, cryptocurrency and digital payments.

01 June 2018

Five Vidi grants for TU Delft: from zig-zagging through computational barriers to clay-like orthopaedic implants

The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded Vidi grants worth EUR 800,000 to five researchers at TU Delft. A Vidi grant enables them to set up their own research group to develop their own innovative line of research.

30 May 2018

Ionica Smeets Alumnus of the year 2018 of the TU Delft

Ionica Smeets Alumnus of the year 2018 of the TU Delft

Mathematician and Professor of Science communication Ionica Smeets has been named Alumnus of the Year 2018. She was chosen by a jury, consisting of Tim van der Hagen (president of the Executive Board of the TU Delft) and Michael Wisbrun (president of the Delft University Fund), on recommendation of the EEMCS faculty, where Ionica received her degree in Applied Mathematics in 2005.

28 May 2018

TU Delft students go head to head with self-built robokarts

TU Delft students go head to head with self-built robokarts

Falling bars, a swinging hammer and objects on the track: anything to thwart your opponent! ‏On Wednesday 30 May, TU Delft student teams will battle it out against each other with their self-built remote-controlled karts to see who can complete the most laps of the slalom racing track in 7 minutes.

25 May 2018

e-Refinery initiative launched

e-Refinery initiative launched

On Tuesday 22 May the Process & Energy lab was filled to the brim with e-Refinery. This brand-new consortium will help to electrify and decarbonise the chemical and energy industries with its unique integrated approach, ranging from materials to processes and their upscaling.

30 April 2018

Frans A. Oliehoek invited at IJCAI-ECAI 2018

Frans A. Oliehoek invited at IJCAI-ECAI 2018

Frans A. Oliehoek, associate professor in the Interactive Intelligence group, has been invited to give a presentation in the IJCAI-ECAI 2018 Early Career Spotlight track.

27 April 2018

Publication Nature Scientific Reports: Beaches worldwide are growing

Publication Nature Scientific Reports: Beaches worldwide are growing

We love holidays on the beach and about a quarter of the world's population live on coasts because of the favourable economic location. But until now we have had only a very vague picture of how coastal areas have evolved worldwide over the years. Scientists in Delft are changing this. Researchers from Deltares, Delft University of Technology and IHE have analysed changes in 50,000 beaches over a 35-year period. They present their findings today in Nature Scientific Reports.

23 April 2018

KNAW chooses Kofi Makinwa

KNAW chooses Kofi Makinwa

Prof. Dr. Kofi Makinwa, Professor Electronic Instrumentation and chair of the Micro Electronic department to the faculty of EEMCS, is selected as a new member of The Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW).

13 April 2018

Pavol Bauer, Gautham Ram and Menno Kardolus awarded “Most Significant Innovation in Electric Vehicles” prize

Pavol Bauer, Gautham Ram and Menno Kardolus awarded “Most Significant Innovation in Electric Vehicles” prize

At the IDTechShow! the prize for the “most significant new innovation in hybrid or pure electric vehicles” whether by land, water or air was awarded to Pavol Bauer, Gautham Ram (TU Delft) and Menno Kardolus (PRelectronics).

12 April 2018

'Paternal’ and ‘maternal’ DNA in fungi active at different times

'Paternal’ and ‘maternal’ DNA in fungi active at different times

Many types of mushroom have two different nuclei in their cells, one from the ‘father’ and another from the ‘mother’. Researchers at the universities of Delft, Utrecht and Wageningen have discovered that the genes from the parental DNAs are expressed at different times in mushroom development. “This means that when genes involved in mushroom formation are identified, we first need to find out whether the paternal or maternal nucleus is active,” says TU Delft doctoral candidate Thies Gehrmann. The research results were published in the journal PNAS on 11 April 2018.

23 March 2018

Direct high-speed charging of electric cars by solar panels

Direct high-speed charging of electric cars by solar panels

Researcher Gautham Ram Chandra Mouli developed a system which charges electric cars quickly and directly using solar power. On Monday 26 March, he will be awarded his PhD at TU Delft for his work on this subject.

20 March 2018

Else Kooi Award 2018 for Dr. Michel Antolović

14 March 2018

A magazine filled with science stories & infographics!

A magazine filled with science stories & infographics!

We have compiled the articles and infographics from our Nodes EEMCS Science blog in a magazine, called ‘EEMCS Nodes Volume I’

06 March 2018

Very successful course for TenneT experts by ESE

Very successful course for TenneT experts by ESE

In February the Department of Electrical Sustainable Energy hosted the final lecture for TenneT experts from various fields.

22 February 2018

Felienne Hermans won the Open Education Award for Excellence

Felienne Hermans won the Open Education Award for Excellence

Felienne Hermans (Software Engineering Group) won the 2018 Open Education Award for Excellence.

20 February 2018

Great start ‘Virtual Referee’ project

Great start ‘Virtual Referee’ project

Vinay Balaji is a master student at the EEMCS faculty at TU Delft. Vinay came up with the idea of ‘Virtual Referee’, a technology which helps the referee to accurately and quickly determine whether or not it’s offside or a penalty during a football game.

19 February 2018

Protection of future power systems

Protection of future power systems

Windmills and solar panels are only the visible part of the energy transition. The power grid itself, already one of the most complex systems ever designed by humankind, is undergoing its own transition to ensure a high enough reliability in a future with up to 100% distributed power generation.

19 February 2018

Lina Sarro won the IEEE Robert Bosch Micro & Nano Electro Mechanical Systems Award

Lina Sarro (Microelectronics Group) won the IEEE Robert Bosch Micro and Nano Electro Mechanical Systems Award. The award was presented by the president of the IEEE Electron Device Society during the opening ceremony of the IEEE MEMS 2018 Conference in Belfast.