News & Events


20 June 2023

Erasmus MC and TU Delft open first healthcare AI-ethics lab

Erasmus MC and TU Delft open first healthcare AI-ethics lab

Staff shortages and the constant desire to provide high-quality medical care. These are only two of the most important reasons for a sharp increase in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare in the coming years. By launching the first healthcare AI Ethics Lab, Erasmus MC and TU Delft put the focus on ethically responsible and clinically relevant AI that will positively impact both patient care and healthcare workers.

27 May 2023

Recap Design for Values in AI for Medicine and Healthcare

The workshop entitled “Design for Values in AI for Medicine and Healthcare” has been hosted in Delft on November 25th, 2022 as the result of a collaboration between the Delft Digital Ethics Center and the World Health Organization.

20 March 2023

Jeroen van de Hoven member of Analytics Advisory Commission at Finance

Jeroen van de Hoven member of Analytics Advisory Commission at Finance

The Council of Ministers last week approved the formation of the Analytics Advisory Committee. This committee will advise the Tax Administration, the Customs Administration, the Benefits Agency and the Ministry of Finance on how to deal with risk models and algorithms. The advisory committee is tasked with considering current analytics issues within the services, both on request and on its own initiative. Jeroen van den Hoven, professor of Ethics and Technology, has been appointed a member of the committee.

13 February 2023

Research for responsible AI in the military domain: REAIM2023

Research for responsible AI in the military domain: REAIM2023

Delft AI and ethics researchers lead academic forum of REAIM conference 15 and 16 February.

26 January 2023

Digital Ethics Centre verzorgt inhoudelijk programma REAIM 2023

Digital Ethics Centre verzorgt inhoudelijk programma REAIM 2023

Coordinated by TU Delft Digital Ethics Centre, the REAIM Academic Forum will bring together scholars and experts from various disciplines to discuss relevant legal, ethical, philosophical and technical dilemmas and opportunities in the area of responsible development and use of military AI.