News & Events


17 June 2022

Jeroen van der Hoven in Reformatorisch Dagblad over Delft Digital Ethics Centre

Jeroen van der Hoven in Reformatorisch Dagblad over Delft Digital Ethics Centre

"Kunstmatige intelligentie ontwikkelt zich razendsnel. Dat is ook de reden dat de wetgeving en de rechterlijke macht altijd achter de feiten aanlopen. Het recht heeft tijd nodig om bindende normen te ontwikkelen. Daardoor komt er steeds meer ruimte voor ethiek in de techniek. De ethiek vult een vacuüm op: het fungeert als een voorportaal van het reguleren van de techniek per wet.”

18 May 2022

Jeroen van den Hoven in Stadszaken over TU Delft Digital Ethics Centre

Jeroen van den Hoven in Stadszaken over TU Delft Digital Ethics Centre

In het Digital Ethics Centre nemen onderzoekers van de TU Delft, samen met overheidsinstellingen en bedrijven, ethische vraagstukken rondom kunstmatige intelligentie, machine learning en digitalisering onder de loep.

16 May 2022

TU Delft has launched the Digital Ethics Centre for fair and safe AI

TU Delft has launched the Digital Ethics Centre for fair and safe AI

Our society is digitising itself more and more. That offers opportunities, such as more efficient working, but it also raises many ethical questions – the sort of questions now being addressed by TU Delft’s new Digital Ethics Centre. Together with government agencies and companies, the centre’s researchers are looking at the ethical side of AI and digitalisation, such as fairness, safety and transparency, and seeking to develop the best solutions and applications.

04 April 2022

Jeroen van den Hoven chair of new Data Ethics Committee at UWV

Jeroen van den Hoven chair of new Data Ethics Committee at UWV

UWV (Employee Insurance Agency) develops and uses data applications to improve or renew services to clients and employers and considers it important that this is done carefully and in a well-considered way. For this reason, UWV has established a Data Ethics Committee which can give solicited and unsolicited advice on data applications that have an impact on clients. The committee consists of external and internal experts and is chaired by Professor Jeroen van den Hoven, Professor of Ethics and Technology at Delft University of Technology.

29 March 2022

Stefan Buijsman in Filosofie Magazine on discriminating algorithms

Stefan Buijsman in Filosofie Magazine on discriminating algorithms

Just like people algorithms can discriminate, and do so severely. How should we deal with that? Stefan Buijsman addresses this in the closing episode of the series on AI [in Dutch].