13 March 2018

‘Flying start’ for Unmanned Valley

‘Flying start’ for Unmanned Valley

On 6 March the municipality of Katwijk and TU Delft announced that they established the Unmanned Valley foundation that allows companies, research and education institutes and governments to work together on cutting edge innovation in robotics and unmanned systems.

13 March 2018

Extraterrestrial kids lectures Science Centre started

Extraterrestrial kids lectures Science Centre started

On Sunday 11 March the series ‘extraterrestrial kids lectures’ at the Science Centre Delft started with a lecture by Jasper Bouwmeester ‘How to build a satellite.’ About 80 children from 8 to 12 years old will follow a total of four lectures about space, organised by the Science Centre as part of their MuseumJeugdUniversiteit programme.

02 March 2018

Wind energy: driving down costs

Wind energy: driving down costs

Despite its recent growth, there’s still a lot of room for cost reductions in wind energy. That’s the view given by prof.dr. Simon Watson in his inaugural lecture at TU Delft on Friday March 2nd.

22 February 2018

Horizon2020 grant for aircraft maintenance research

Horizon2020 grant for aircraft maintenance research

Aerospace engineering researchers Dr. Santos, Dr Zarouchas, Dr. ir. Verhagen and Dr. Mitici received a 6.8 million euros Horizon2020 grant for their proposal to build an Integrated Fleet Health Management solution.

13 February 2018

Team Laced Horns wins Drone Clash

Team Laced Horns wins Drone Clash

On 13 February 2018 eight teams competed in the DroneClash competition at Valkenburg airport. The teams used their own drone(s) to take down as many other drones as possible.

13 February 2018

Mark Voskuijl, Marlie Koekenberg and even more aviation in Portraits of Science

Mark Voskuijl, Marlie Koekenberg and even more aviation in Portraits of Science

Mark Voskuijl and alumna Marlie Koekenberg are included in this year’s Portraits of Science

31 January 2018

Dutch drone first to map pristine national park in half a century

Dutch drone first to map pristine national park in half a century

ATMOS UAV, a start-up company from the faculty of Aerospace Engineering, announced on 31 January that their drone Marlyn was used to chart the tropical island of Silhouette in the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean.

30 January 2018

Eelco Doornbos talks about the failed Ariane launch (TU Delta)

Eelco Doornbos talks about the failed Ariane launch (TU Delta)

A rare mishap took place during the launch of an Ariane 5 rocket from French Guyana last Thursday.

30 January 2018

Inspection of the Cessna Citation (PH-LAB)

Inspection of the Cessna Citation (PH-LAB)

Once every 5 years, the engines of the Cessna Citation, owned by NLR and the TU Delft, need to be inspected.

30 January 2018

DSE winners design system for Ariane 6

DSE winners design system for Ariane 6

The DSE group supervised by Marc Naeije at Astrodynamics and Space Missions won the Design Synthesis Exercise on 1 February.

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