Extraterrestrial kids lectures Science Centre started
On Sunday 11 March the series ‘extraterrestrial kids lectures’ at the Science Centre Delft started with a lecture by Jasper Bouwmeester ‘How to build a satellite.’ About 80 children from 8 to 12 years old will follow a total of four lectures about space, organised by the Science Centre as part of their MuseumJeugdUniversiteit programme. There will be three more lectures for children:
8 April: Pieter Visser about vaccuum cleaning in space: Kan je in de ruimte stofzuigen?’
13 Mei: Stef Lhermitte (CiTG) about the temperature on the South Pole: ‘Hoe koud is het echt op de Zuidpool?’
10 June: Vera Janssen (TNW) about sailing tot he stars: ‘Kunnen we naar de sterren zeilen?’
The lectures are all space themed this year because of the Sizzling Summer of Space, the public outreach programme organised as part of the prestigious International Space University summerschool taking place in this region in the summer of 2018. Unfortunately it is no longer possible to register your child for the lectures. They were sold out within a day.