Vision Team Mobility
What will mobility in 2050 look like in a society that embraces technological innovation? Or in a more cautious world? In different political climates, what will happen to the logistics of goods, from e-commerce packages to international freight transport?
A team of twelve mobility scientists and innovators and communications experts from TU Delft, the “Mobilisers,” delved into the impact of technologies such as autonomous vehicles, sustainable fuels and new transportation solutions on the way we live and work. Using four radical but realistic future perspectives, they look at the mobility of the future for both passenger and freight transportation. Their approach exposes the complexity of making the mobility system more sustainable and shows what trade-offs play a role in achieving sustainable, affordable, reliable, safe and inclusive mobility.
The vision team titled “Mobility futures” was initiated by the Transport & Mobility Institute on behalf of TU Delft. The four future perspectives were prepared in co-creation with stakeholders from government and industry.
On Thursday 16 January 2025, in the context of the 183rd Dies Natalis (birthday) of TU Delft, the Mobilisers will present their work. You are very welcome to attend. Please register.
If you would like to contribute or if you have questions, please contact Deborah Nas, who is guiding the process, or Serge Hoogendoorn, chairman of the TU Delft | Transport & Mobility Institute.