
TU Delft has two ombuds officers: one for employees and one for students.

Ombuds Officer for staff

Is there a problem in the workplace that may lead to a dilemma or conflict and you can't work it out together? Then you can contact the Ombuds officer for staff. The Ombuds Officer supports individual employees, teams and managers in analysing and solving difficult issues. You can contact the Ombuds Officer if you get stuck in discussing undesirable behaviour you have experienced or observed. Contacts with the staff ombuds officer are strictly confidential.

The Ombuds Officer for staff is impartial and independent. She can play an advisory or mediating role, for example as a facilitator. If necessary, the Ombuds Officer can also conduct an investigation. Decisions she makes are not legally binding. If you are mostly looking for a sympathetic ear, you can always contact one of the TU Delft confidential advisors.

The TU Delft Ombuds Officer for staff is Birgitte Peters. She can be reached at or by phone at 015-27 85439 / (06) 38 55 69 86. More information can be found on the TU Delft Intranet.

Ombuds Officer for students

Are you facing a problem, conflict or dilemma related to the behaviour or actions of another student, staff member or an organisational entity within TU Delft? Have your attempts to resolve the issue with the help of, for example, your study advisor or the Central Complaints Desk been unsuccessful? If so, please do not hesitate to contact the Ombuds Officer for students.

The Ombuds Officer is here to listen and help think of solutions. She can act as an independent and impartial intermediary between the student and others involved in a particular case, or offer advice to the relevant final authority (which may be the Executive Board or the dean of the faculty). All conversations with the Ombuds Officer for students are strictly confidential.

The Ombuds Officer for students is Carin Wensveen. She can be reached via  or by telephone via 015-2782389 / 06-43213534.

Interested to learn more? Check the FAQ here.

Annual reports

About 2022:

About 2023:

Are you interested in the annual reports of the team of confidential advisors? These can be found here.