TU Delft Code of Conduct

The TU Delft Code of Conduct exists to help staff members, students and guests to act in line with the values that we find important, even in complex situations. For example, how should you respond if you see behaviour that you consider to be inappropriate? The code sets out what is meant by our core values: Diversity, Integrity, Respect, Engagement, Courage, and Trust (DIRECT). The code also contains the TU Delft Integrity Statement, with the basic guidelines that all are expected to act in accordance with. It also explains the responsibilities of staff members, students, guests and TU Delft as an organisation.

TU Delft wants to be articulate and explicit with respect to her ideals, values, principles and responsibilities. The aim of the Code of Conduct is to state our ambitions unambiguously, in such a way that they can serve as a source of inspiration and guidance to all members of the TU Delft community. Via the code, also those who collaborate with employees and students of TU Delft, and those who are about to join its workforce or student body, can develop a better understanding of the TU Delft principles. TU Delft is also bound to a number of other specific codes of conduct, such as the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, the Code of Conduct International Student Higher Education and the Code for Good Governance in Dutch Universities. The TU Delft Code of Conduct is complementary to those codes.

A living document

The TU Delft Code of Conduct is explicitly designed as a ‘living document’, that is helpful for daily dilemmas. This Code of Conduct supersedes the TU Delft Code of Ethics. That dated back to 2012 and was in need of an update, amongst others because of the new Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and the establishment of the Strategic Framework 2018-2024. Following the Vision on Integrity 2018-2024, the Executive Board requested a broadly composed working group, under the lead of prof.dr. Sabine Roeser (TU Delft Integrity Officer) to revise the code. A draft of the Code of Conduct was open for consultation to all students and staff members in the period June-September 2019.