Latest News
02 November 2023
TU Delft researchers discover new ultra strong material for microchip sensors
A material that doesn't just rival the strength of diamonds and graphene, but boasts a yield strength 10 times greater than Kevlar, renowned for its use in bulletproof vests.
31 October 2023
Sustainable shipping: are auxiliary sails a solution?
TU Delft is launching a new research programme on 31 October to explore the possibilities of wind-assisted propulsion for cargo vessels. The aim is to reduce fuel consumption by 30%.
30 October 2023
TU Delft joins EBRAINS: advancing brain research and innovation
Today marks a significant milestone as TU Delft officially joins EBRAINS, a state-of-the-art digital research infrastructure developed by the EU-funded Human Brain Project, which serves as a comprehensive hub for brain-related data and tools.
26 October 2023
Controlling waves in magnets with superconductors for the first time
Quantum physicists at Delft University of Technology have shown that it’s possible to control and manipulate spin waves on a chip using superconductors for the first time. These tiny waves in magnets may offer an alternative to electronics in the future, interesting for energy-efficient information technology or connecting pieces in a quantum computer, for example.
26 October 2023
DNA Origami nanoturbine sets new horizon for nanomotors
16 October 2023
Collaborative wind turbines for the most sustainable future | TU Delft
Extracting as much energy as cost-effectively as possible from each individual wind turbine epitomised the short-term approach of the past. But what we need for a climate-neutral and energy-independent Europe is a shift towards sustainable wind energy in the long term, taking into account all costs and aspects – including societal and environmental ones. This is what the wind farm control room of the future is all about.
16 October 2023
Professor Co Verdaas new Delta Programme Commissioner
Co Verdaas was recently appointed as government commissioner for the National Delta Programme and will start his work as Delta Programme Commissioner at the beginning of December: ‘It’s a real honour to be able to contribute to the climate-proof future of our delta in my role as Delta Programme Commissioner. Water has shaped the Netherlands and will continue to do so.’
12 October 2023
TU Delft and JetBrains are launching new ICAI lab AI for Software Engineering
How can we engineer better software by using artificial intelligence (AI)? TU Delft and JetBrains are joining their knowledge and expertise on AI and software development in the new AI for Software Engineering Lab (AI4SE). The goal of the collaboration is to develop a deep understanding of how novel AI technologies can strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of software engineering processes.
10 October 2023
Andy van den Dobbelsteen elected CSR Manager of the Year 2023
09 October 2023