Andy van den Dobbelsteen elected CSR Manager of the Year 2023
From a pool of 1000 candidates, down to just three nominees. From pitching at the Flint Theatre in Amersfoort, to the title. On 10 October, Sustainability Day, Andy van den Dobbelsteen - Sustainability Coordinator at Delft University of Technology - was elected CSR Manager of the Year 2023.
By 2030, TU Delft aims to be fully carbon neutral, climate-adaptive and circular, with a focus on quality of life and biodiversity. "Practice what you teach and preach. Climate change is accelerating faster than predicted, therefore I have set our sustainability goals in 2030. Far enough to initiate change, close enough to feel the urgency," Andy says in his pitch.
Engineers of the future
Every year, TU Delft delivers four thousand engineers and four hundred engineering PhDs to society. "With the right knowledge and creativity, all these people can help solve the climate crisis, resource crisis and biodiversity crisis," Andy says. TU Delft is thus opening up its campus to join forces with Delft engineers, working with governments and industry for sustainability in the broadest sense. From energy saving, circular procurement and sustainable building, to greening the campus and encouraging behavioral change in our TU community.
We have technical knowledge for sustainable innovation and as a university we can test this on the campus.
Andy van den Dobbelsteen
During the event on 10 October, the nominees, Mark Groot Wassing - Director Sustainability & Innovation of Royal Auping, Marthijn Junggeburth - Manager Sustainability Royal Swinkels Family Brewers, pitch what makes them the CSR Manager of the Year 2023.
The CSR Manager of the Year election was founded in 2012 by Folkert van der Molen. The election recognizes CSR managers in the Netherlands for their efforts and results within corporate social responsibility at their own company or organization.
Curious about the substantiation of the jury? Then read the article from