4TU.ResearchData Publishes “Highlights 2023

News - 04 June 2024

 The 4TU.ResearchData team is excited to share their new publication “Highlights 2023”. The “Highlights” is a collection of the main 4TU.ResearchData successes over the last year. The “Highlights” mention: 

  • Farewell of Director Marta Teperek and the welcome of the new Director Daniel Bangert.
  • The repository system was migrated to the free & open-source software Djehuty, marked a new phase in the Open Science strategy. 
  • The 4TU.ResearchData community continued to meet up at the Roadshows and Community Day to share information and gather feedback from their members. 
  • The TDCC-NES celebrated their one year of activities. 
  • 4TU.ResearchData engaged in Open Science NL to contribute to the open science transition in the Netherlands. 

The 4TU.ResearchData team looks forward to many more achievements and fruitful collaborations in the near future. Keep track of their channels to know more and also subscribe to the 4TU.ReseacrhData newsletter. 

View the full publication on : https://community.data.4tu.nl/2024/05/29/4tu-researchdata-highlights-2023/, or view the simple pdf version of the publication. 

4TU.ResearchData is led by the 4TU.ResearchData Consortium, which consists of Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente and Wageningen University & Research