421 resultaten

29 augustus 2022

Wieke Joustra joined ImPhys as MSc student

Wieke Joustra joined ImPhys as MSc student

Wieke Joustra is a nanobiology master student. She is starting her thesis project in the lab of Elizabeth Carroll with Mette Dekker as daily supervisor. The project is about imaging the dynamics of calcium in zebrafish. This is part of a bigger research on diabetes.

25 augustus 2022

James Lin joined ImPhys as MSc student

James Lin joined ImPhys as MSc student

James Lin is 22 years old and in his second year of the master applied physics. He will be working on multi beam SEM and aberration corrections.

24 augustus 2022

Stijn Karaçoban joined ImPhys as MSc student

Stijn Karaçoban joined ImPhys as MSc student

Stijn Karaçoban is a master student Nanobiology and for his MEP he will be working on predicting the location of fluorescence signal in electron microscopy images using the CNN CLEMnet. His supervisor is Jacob Hoogenboom.

14 juli 2022

Dekkerbeurs voor MRI-onderzoek Sebastian Weingärtner

Dekkerbeurs voor MRI-onderzoek Sebastian Weingärtner

De Hartstichting heeft onderzoeker dr. Sebastian Weingärtner van de TU Delft een Dekkerbeurs toegekend. Dat is een persoonlijke onderzoeksbeurs voor getalenteerde wetenschappers die jaarlijks wordt toegekend. Met de beurs van 490.000 euro kan hij de komende jaren onderzoek doen naar hart- en vaatziekten.

07 juli 2022

Joost van der Neut joined ImPhys as Post-Doc

Joost van der Neut joined ImPhys as Post-Doc

Joost van der Neut will be working as a postdoctoral researcher at ImPhys with Eric Verschuur. His research interests include wave propagation, imaging and inversion.

07 juli 2022

Megha Khokhar joined ImPhys as Post-Doc

Megha Khokhar joined ImPhys as Post-Doc

Megha Khokhar will be working in the field of 4pi localization microscopy technique aiming to image fluorescence at cryogenic temperature. She will work under the guidance of Prof. Bernd Rieger and Prof. Sjoerd Stallinga.

06 mei 2022

Alim Yolalmaz joined ImPhys as Post-Doc

Alim Yolalmaz joined ImPhys as Post-Doc

Alim Yolalmaz is a post-doctoral researcher in Kalkman Research group supervised by Prof. Jeroen Kalkman. He received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in Micro and Nanotechnology from Middle East Technical University in Turkey. He has a B.Sc. degree in Physics Engineering with a double major in Mechanical Engineering at Gaziantep University in Turkey.

06 mei 2022

Lidija Nikolic joined ImPhys as Management Assistant

Lidija Nikolic joined ImPhys as Management Assistant

Lidija Nikolic joined ImPhys as Management Assistant. She is originally from Slovenia and has been living in The Netherlands for 15 years. Although she is totally new to TU Delft, she has gained experience in international environments during her previous assignments.

03 mei 2022

Zwaartekracht-financiering voor levende cellen consortium

Zwaartekracht-financiering voor levende cellen consortium

Het ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap heeft een Zwaartekracht-subsidie van 20,8 miljoen euro toegekend aan het IMAGINE! consortium, waar TU Delft onderzoekers Elizabeth Carroll, Sjoerd Stallinga (allebei ImPhys) en Carlas Smith (3ME) deel van uitmaken.

02 mei 2022

Researcher couple identifies most dangerous cancer cells

Researcher couple identifies most dangerous cancer cells

She's a cell biologist, he's a physicist. They met in Harvard. In the Netherlands they developed the UFO microscope that can distinguish a few dangerous cancer cells from a sea of ​​innocent ones.


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