421 resultaten

21 september 2018

Fran Šimić started his MSc project

Fran Šimić started his MSc project

Fran will work with scatteromety for nanoparticle detection. His supervisors are Silvania Pereira and Dmytro Kolenov.

18 september 2018

Delftse onderzoekers rekken grenzen van de lichtmicroscopie op

Delftse onderzoekers rekken grenzen van de lichtmicroscopie op

Het onderzoeksveld van de lichtmicroscopie heeft zich de afgelopen jaren snel ontwikkeld. Door de uitvinding van een techniek genaamd superresolutie-fluorescentiemicroscopie kunnen sinds kort zelfs de kleinere onderdelen van een levende cel in beeld worden gebracht. Met een slimme aanpassing aan de superresolutie-techniek hebben onderzoekers van de TU Delft de grenzen van wat mogelijk is nu nog verder opgerekt. Waar eerder objecten van maximaal 10 tot 20 nanometer in beeld konden worden gebracht, maakt hun methode het mogelijk om scherp stellen op structuren van maar liefst 3 nanometer.

17 september 2018

Inside cover in "Small Methods" for Bernd Rieger et al

Inside cover in "Small Methods" for Bernd Rieger et al

In this article, a sparsity‐inducing scheme based on widefield stimulated emission depletion, which requires stringent control of the polarization state of both the excitation and depletion laser, is introduced by Bernd Rieger and co‐workers for superresolution fluorescence microscopy. The ideal state involves excitation and depletion lasers with linear polarizations, orthogonally oriented in the sample plane. This state is obtained from linearly polarized light from the laser, which is made elliptically polarized before reflecting off the dichroic mirror.

14 september 2018

Sabri Bolkar joined our group as PhD student

Sabri Bolkar joined our group as PhD student

He will work on “particle averaging” techniques for single molecule localisation microscope. He will continue the work of Hamidreza Heydarian where we successfully introduced this idea. His first task will be to extend the method from 2D to 3D. His supervisors will be Sjoerd Stallinga and Bernd Rieger.

12 september 2018

Marten Kruidhof started his MSc project

Marten Kruidhof started his MSc project

We would like to welcome our new master student Marten Kruidhof. He will work on “Acoustic imaging of a simple phantom using a silicon ring-resonator sensor for ultrasound.” His supervisors are Boling Ouyang and Jaap Caro.

11 september 2018

Jim Aspers started his MSc project

Jim Aspers started his MSc project

Jim Aspers started his MSc project on "High Volume Rate 3D Compressed Ultrasound Imaging Using a Programmable Transducer Array". His supervisors are Martin Verweij and Fabian Fool.

11 september 2018

Joanne de Leeuw started her MSc project

Joanne de Leeuw started her MSc project

Joanne will investigate whether and how the reflections of the second harmonic of an ultrasound field can be used for medical model based imaging. The second harmonic is the first of a whole series of higher harmonics that are generated during the nonlinear propagation of a high-amplitude ultrasound pulse as used in medical imaging. Her supervisors are Martin Verweij and Jack Massaad.

11 september 2018

Verbeterde ultrasound-apparatuur brengt stroming in halsslagader real-time in beeld

Onderzoeker Maysam Shabanimotlagh heeft belangrijke verbeteringen in het meten met ultrageluid dichter bij gebracht.

11 september 2018

Claudio Minonzio started his MSc project

Claudio Minonzio started his MSc project

Claudio is a master student in Life Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. The ultimate goal of this master project is to achieve transcranial ultrasound image quality sufficient to reliably differentiate various anatomical structures in intact human brain as well as the location of the deep brain stimulation electrodes in respect to those anatomical structures (e.g. subthalamic nucleus). His supervisor is Verya Daeichin.

03 september 2018

Elizabeth Carroll wins €2500 for interdisciplinary MSc project

Elizabeth Carroll wins €2500 for interdisciplinary MSc project

Delft Bioengineering Institute has granted Elizabeth Carroll with €2500 for the execution of an interdisciplinary MSc project. Together with Zoltán Perkό (Radiation Science & Technology), Elizabeth has designed a project that looks into ultrahigh dose-rate FLASH irradiation in zebrafish. In total, BEI has granted 15 MSc projects that resulted from the networking event BioDate 2018 in March.


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