
Regional energy transition projects with IT Bandung

  1. As part of the Summserschool on the Energy Transition in Indonesia there will be a poster event with lunch for every early career interested to present a poster on their research on the energy transition or research in the context of the Global South on 12/10/2023 . Indonesian early career researchers from ITB will present their posters from the collaborative energy transition project and TPM early careers working on energy transition or Global South topics are warmly invited to present an available or new poster poster on their work. You can sign up through this link.
  2. On 17/10, 9-12.30 hr  there will be the Cooperation for Indonesia Energy Transition symposium, more information in save the date, and on the event page, also for registration, Cooperation for the Indonesia Energy Transition.
  3. 19 October 2023,  9.15-12.30 hr, TPM board room, seminar entitled “Comparing energy planning and energy transition policy and governance approaches for Net Zero Emissions in Indonesia, Netherlands and South Africa”

Energy Transition Lab in Home of Innovation Projects booklet

The TPM Energy transition lab is included in the Home of Innovation platform and the Innovation & Impact Centre booklet. Read more about it.

CaterFly Meet-Up Invitation

We're inviting you to the CaterFly Meet-Up! If you have recently begun to work somewhere between agent-based modelling and behavioural psychology, join us on Friday June 2nd at TPM. You'll get to know your fellow researchers, sharpen your own research and come up with ideas for collaborating. Click here to read more and sign up!


17 resultaten

03 mei 2024

De was doen als de zon schijnt blijkt toch ingewikkelder dan gedacht

De was doen als de zon schijnt blijkt toch ingewikkelder dan gedacht

Deed jouw oma vroeger ook de was als een zonnige dag voorspeld was? Nu zoveel huishoudens zonnepanelen hebben en het elektriciteitsnetwerk problemen ervaart door overbelasting op piekmomenten, zou het ook beter zijn als huishoudens met zonnepanelen apparaten zoals de wasmachine laten draaien op mooie dagen.

19 februari 2023

TPM Energy Transition Lab – Next Phase

After the first phase (2020 – 2022), the TPM Energy Transition Lab will continue its activities in three research projects in the next couple of years. These projects are on "Behaviour", "Design", and "Exploration". Two postdocs (Katharina Biely and Tristan de Wildt) explored these themes in the first phase. In the next step, two PhD projects will build upon their work to enhance research output: Marielle Rietkerk and Lukas Schubotz.

19 februari 2023

Upcoming: a special feature in Sustainability Science on "Understanding the embeddedness of individuals within the larger system to support the energy transition"

Together with Katharina Biely (Wageningen University and Research, Knowledge Technology and Innovation Group, The Netherlands), Siddharth Sareen (University of Stavanger and University of Bergen, Norway), and Thomas Bauwens (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom), we are guest editors of a special feature in Sustainability Science.

18 maart 2022

Towards alternative energy and CO2 sources for Dutch greenhouses - Energy Transition Lab - TU Delft

Dutch greenhouses produce mostly vegetables and flowers like tomatoes, sweet peppers and roses. After the United States, the Netherlands is the biggest exporter of agricultural produce in the world. The Dutch agricultural sector exports about € 65 billion of agricultural products annually.

18 maart 2022

Are you a student interested in the energy transition? Join the pitches from the Energy Transition

Lab PhD Group! When? March 23rd, 2022 at 15:45 – 16-45. Where? TPM Hall C

21 februari 2022

Energy Transition Lab in Home of Innovation Projects booklet

The TPM Energy transition lab is included in the Home of Innovation platform and the Innovation & Impact Centre booklet.

15 december 2021

Call for abstracts for STS conference Graz 2022

The TPM Energy Transition Lab is hosting a session at the STS conference in May 2022. Our session C.2 Understanding the embeddedness of individuals within the larger system to support the energy transition is part of the Towards Low Carbon Energy Systems track.

07 oktober 2021

Update: Seminar series on energy justice research

The TPM Energy Transition Lab organises a series of seminars on energy justice research. This series will cover the research that is being done within the faculty on the normative aspects of the energy transition, including ethical analysis, stakeholder inclusion, community engagement, and modelling approaches.

01 oktober 2021

TPM Energy Transition Lab presents first seminar on Energy Justice on 5 October 2021

The TPM Energy Transition Lab will organize a series of seminars on energy justice research. This series will cover the research that is being done within the faculty on the normative aspects of the energy transition, including ethical analysis, stakeholder inclusion, community engagement, and modelling approaches.

27 september 2021

Call for contributions for new seminar series on energy justice

The TPM Energy Transition Lab will start a series of seminars on the topic of ‘energy justice’. The aim of these seminars is to bring together TPM-researchers and students that are working on normative aspects of the energy transition, such as energy democracy, energy citizenship, inclusion, values, community engagement and so on.