
Regional energy transition projects with IT Bandung

  1. As part of the Summserschool on the Energy Transition in Indonesia there will be a poster event with lunch for every early career interested to present a poster on their research on the energy transition or research in the context of the Global South on 12/10/2023 . Indonesian early career researchers from ITB will present their posters from the collaborative energy transition project and TPM early careers working on energy transition or Global South topics are warmly invited to present an available or new poster poster on their work. You can sign up through this link.
  2. On 17/10, 9-12.30 hr  there will be the Cooperation for Indonesia Energy Transition symposium, more information in save the date, and on the event page, also for registration, Cooperation for the Indonesia Energy Transition.
  3. 19 October 2023,  9.15-12.30 hr, TPM board room, seminar entitled “Comparing energy planning and energy transition policy and governance approaches for Net Zero Emissions in Indonesia, Netherlands and South Africa”

Energy Transition Lab in Home of Innovation Projects booklet

The TPM Energy transition lab is included in the Home of Innovation platform and the Innovation & Impact Centre booklet. Read more about it.

CaterFly Meet-Up Invitation

We're inviting you to the CaterFly Meet-Up! If you have recently begun to work somewhere between agent-based modelling and behavioural psychology, join us on Friday June 2nd at TPM. You'll get to know your fellow researchers, sharpen your own research and come up with ideas for collaborating. Click here to read more and sign up!


17 resultaten

13 augustus 2021

Invitation SONA pilot study

The TPM Energy Transition Lab is working on setting up a study participation management platform, called SONA. This platform will reduce the hassle to get enough participants for studies.

17 juni 2021

Brede steun voor ambitieus klimaatbeleid als aan vier voorwaarden is voldaan

Brede steun voor ambitieus klimaatbeleid als aan vier voorwaarden is voldaan

Onderzoekers stelden ruim 10.000 Nederlanders in staat de overheid te adviseren over klimaatbeleid. Het eindrapport is nu online.

16 november 2020

Open Call for Proposals from the TPM Energy Transition Lab – Fall 2020 Edition – is a success

The open call for proposals from the TPM Energy Transition Lab resulted in nine high-quality proposals, spanning all departments. The proposals cover a diverse set of topics in the energy transition, varying from a serious game container lab to research on conspiracy theories.

16 september 2020

Wanted: MSc students interested in Agent-based models for acceptable smart systems

For a project in the city of The Hague on moral values concerning digitization of the city, we are looking for a MSc student with an interest (and experience) in agent-based modelling.

16 september 2020

Call for Proposals of the Energy Transition lab

The Call for Proposals of the Energy Transition lab for TPM Researchers has been published on September 17th.

12 juli 2020

Introductory vlog

Watch our vlog for an introduction by Gerdien de Vries and in impression of the other team members of the Energy Transition lab.

30 juni 2020

Introduction TPM Energy Transition Lab

Introduction TPM Energy Transition Lab

We are proud to introduce the TPM Energy Transition Lab.