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bekijk de reisadviezen van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, zie
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Inkomende stagiaires van buiten de TU Delft worden verwezen naar de informatiepagina
TU Delft  van de faculteiten. Hier kun je de faculteit selecteren waar je stage wilt lopen en van daaruit contact opnemen met de betreffende afdeling, een begeleider, een professor of een interessante track zoeken. Alle faculteiten verschillen in de stagemogelijkheden voor studenten. Houd er rekening mee dat niet alle faculteiten stagiaires accepteren.

Internship opportunities

2024-06-03 | Internship Ozonation for micropollutant removal (Nijhuis Saur Industries, Doetinchem)

The goal of this internship is to develop and optimize our oxidation installation for the removal of micropollutants from wastewater. The internship project will be carried out by performing a series of laboratory experiments to find the optimal operational conditions and compare this to the full scale ozone systems. Furthermore, investigating process optimizations will be part of the assignment.

2024-06-03 | Intern Brand Marketing Optimel (FrieslandCampina, Amersfoort)

Wil jij graag stage lopen bij één van de mooiste merken van Nederland? Voor ons merk Optimel zoeken we per 1 augustus 2024 een ambitieuze marketing stagiair(e). Het gaat om een meewerkstage (4 of 5 dagen) gedurende een periode van 6 maanden.

2024-05-28 | Internship Industrial Design (Accenture Industry X Industrial Design, Eindhoven)

At Industry X ▪ Industrial Design (formerly known as VanBerlo), we design physical products and digital experiences. Do you want to gain experience in the ever-evolving field of industrial design? Do you like to work innovative products in both the physical and digital world? As an Industrial Design intern, you will have the chance to work with and learn from our, creative & technical experts, as well as the opportunity to hone your skills while working on a variety of real-life projects.

2024-05-28 | Internship Design Engineering (Accenture Industry X Industrial Design, Eindhoven)

At Industry X ▪ Industrial Design (formerly known as VanBerlo), we shape the future by designing physical products and digital experiences. Do topics like smart and connected products and extended reality excite you? Do you like to apply these technologies on innovative products in both the physical and digital world? As a Design Engineering intern, you will have the chance to work with and learn from our, creative & technical experts, as well as the opportunity to hone your skills while working on a variety of real-life projects.

2024-05-22 | Stage Ontwerp van unieke soundsculpturen (Devoonsounds, Amsterdam)

Devoonsounds is een Amsterdamse Startup die zich bezighoudt met het ontwerp van unieke sound sculpturen. In dit aardse en tijdloze ontwerp zijn kunst en technologie nauw met elkaar verweven en is de speaker een ware eye-catcher in het interieurdesign.

2024-05-22 | Internship Design for showcasing ceramic matrix composites products at exhibition and to customers (Arceon, Delft)

At Arceon, we are developing a special type of composite materials called Ceramic Matrix Composites. Instead of a polymer matrix, we use a ceramic one, which results in cutting edge composite materials and structures exhibiting unique properties such as thermal stability from cryogenic to ultra-high temperatures, extremely low thermal expansion, lightweight, corrosion resistance, high specific strength, and no detectable particle release. We are currently active in developing products mainly for Space and Defence markets. Typical products that we are developing are rocket nozzles, leading edges, stable airframes, and nose caps.

2024-05-21 | Internship Social design (Design Innovation Group, Amsterdam)

We are looking for a social design intern who wants to contribute to a futureproof world that is sustainable and inclusive. The focus of the internship is supporting national and international projects on different levels, from conducting inclusive design research to creating meaningful concepts, from visualising internal material to prototyping different types of outcomes. You will be involved in: • Preparing and supporting the execution of design research activities. • Supporting our design team in creating, identifying and designing new concepts. • Executing (graphic/visual) design work for reports, mock-ups and prototypes for different projects. In addition to these activities, you have plenty of possibilities to explore new roles within our organisation. You are fluent in English. If you speak Dutch and/or French, that is an advantage.

2024-05-21 | Internship Industrial Product Design (VANMOKUM, Amsterdam)

VANMOKUM is on the lookout for the best industrial design student to support its product development team. You’ll be working as an all-round intern for a period of 5 months, starting from September 2024 until the end of January 2025 (other periods can be discussed). Here you’ll be part of our product development team and involved in everything that has to do with product design. Your opinion and input is much appreciated and an experience like this will serve as an excellent foundation for your future as a product designer.

2024-05-21 | Internship Branding and communication (Design Innovation Group, Amsterdam)

We are looking for a creative intern to help us communicate our (renewed) brand identity to the world, showcasing through text and visuals how we contribute to a futureproof world that is sustainable and inclusive. The focus of the internship is on communication activities, including visual design, branding and social media content. • You will be involved in shaping Design Innovation Group’s communication strategy and online presence. • Translating Design Innovation Group’s brand into a coherent (visual) language, including templates, presentations, icons, illustrations, etc. • Executing (graphic/visual) design work for clients’ reports, mock-ups and prototypes for different projects. • Creating communication materials for our website, newsletter and social media channels together with our branding team. In addition to these activities, you might also be involved in ongoing projects with our clients and the development of our organisation. You are fluent in English. If you speak Dutch and/or French, that is an advantage.

2024-05-17 | Internship User Experience Research (SkillLab, Amsterdam)

At SkillLab, we envision a world where everyone has equal career opportunities. We enable and lead a radical change - a focus on skills instead of titles and degrees. Our AI-driven technology creates more inclusive and efficient labor markets. SkillLab is working with employment and career services in 25+ countries and seeks to transform labor and education markets globally.