IDE MSc Synergy
Synergy IDE is a supportive platform or infrastructure that complements the existing formal curriculum. It is an experiment that invites all of us to participate.
Starting in 2024/25, MSc students and faculty members have four dedicated weeks (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.4) per academic year, called “Synergy Weeks (SWs)” free from formal education obligations. SWs create room for IDE members to engage in passion-driven, self-directed exploration, reflection, and collaboration with others who share similar passions.
In each SW, a variety of activities are delivered by the Synergy IDE team or proposed and organised by students or other faculty members. These activities may be Talks (e.g., by alumni and retired professors), Transferable Knowledge Workshops (e.g., on resilience and wellbeing, community building and designer identity), Skill/Craft-focused Workshops (e.g., shoemaking, music instrument making, device repairing, 3D modeling, GenAI tools), Expos (e.g., electives, Delft Design Labs, and graduation projects), and Community Building Events (e.g., community gathering for intellectual discussion and debate, museum visit), and many more. In addition, students are also encouraged to use SWs to develop personal design projects, update portfolios and initiate new learning communities with peer students and faculty members.
If you are a MSc student you will be enrolled in the Brightspace organisation where you can find more information about MSc Synergy.