Facultaire programma (HPB-IO)

Nogmaals: het Honours Programme Bachelor IO bestaat uit een facultair IO programma (15 ECTS) en een interfacultair programma. Voor het interfacultaire programma (te behalen studiepunten minimaal 5 EC) verwijzen we je naar Honours Programme TU Delft voor algemene informatie en als je al aan het programma meedoet naar de Brightspace Organisations: Honours Programme BSc Interfacultair voor specifieke en recente informatie.

Alvorens je je eigen HPB-IO programma samenstelt, is het goed om in hoofdlijnen voor jezelf te bepalen welke richting binnen het ontwerpen jij zelf het meest ambieert. Misschien voel je je het meest aangetrokken tot productontwerpen of wil je meer kennis over onderzoek opdoen terwijl een combinatie natuurlijk ook mogelijk is. Je motivatie kan al heel gericht zijn, bijvoorbeeld vooral technisch, of juist oriënterend. Aangeraden wordt om eerst te kijken naar de inhoud van de reguliere Bachelorvakken, de korte inhoudsomschrijvingen kun je vinden in de studiegids. 
De HPB IO modulen staan hier niet in maar kun je onderaan deze pagina vinden.

Eventueel kun je ook nadenken over de richting die je wil volgen in de Master: Strategic Product Design, Integrated Product Design of Design for Interaction en daar je keuze op afstemmen.

Kort na 1 augustus zal aan je worden gevraagd om je voorlopige keuze voor de Honours Modulen vast te stellen. Het gaat dan dus om tenminste 6 modulen (totaal 15 EC facultair). Wil je eerst nog overleggen over je deelname aan het Honours Programme of over je keuze van Honours Modulen, dan ben je altijd welkom om een afspraak te maken bij de HPB-coördinator (via hpb-io@tudelft.nl ) of een studieadviseur.

Overigens kan je door voortschrijdend inzicht of om andere redenen, later in het tweede of derde jaar, in overleg, nog veranderingen in je keuze bespreken.

Hieronder kun je de beschrijvingen van de huidige Honours Modulen vinden:

Data (Q1)
The course on DATA is specifically about using data as a design material. What does this mean? Well, we will teach you a basic understanding of what data is, the different types of data available, its particular qualities, ways of working with it, and how you can use it in your design projects. The course consists of 8 modules that together tackle many different data topics. In the Honours program track of the DATA course, we ask you to do something extra. This entails learning more about data analytical techniques that deal with data beyond numbers (i.e., images, videos and map-based data). You will be asked to explore these analytical techniques hands-on and also dive deeper into the machine learning algorithms on which the techniques are based.

Sustainable Impact (Q1)
Within the honours programme of the course Sustainable Impact you will dive deeper into methods to determine environmental impact and relevant design strategies as well as reflect on your role and position as a designer on sustainability challenges. The program consists of 2 parts. The first part consists of a reflect on your role as a designer when it comes to the great sustainability issues of our time. Answer the following questions: - To you, what is design? - How do you see your role as a designer regarding social and sustainability issues?

Envisioning the Future (Q2)
In EtF, honours students will work in teams of two or more and research, curate, introduce and critique a collection of past futures: future images created in the past. These collections will be dedicated to one of the following domains: Energy, Agriculture, Mobility, Domestic life, Office work, or the Military. More specifics will be discussed during the first honours student meeting.

Product Engineering (Q2)
In het Honours track van Product Engineering staat ieder jaar een specifiek ingenieurswetenschappen probleem centraal. Het doel is om de honours student de kans te geven om hands-on ervaring op te doen in het ontwerp van mechanismen, elektronica en controlesystemen. De studenten worden uitgedaagd systeem te ontwikkelen waarin mechanische systemen worden gecombineerd met elektronische aansturing en programmeren. Jouw opdracht zal zijn om een autonome doolhof-oplossende robot te ontwerpen, bouwen en programmeren. Dit zal enig mechanisme ontwerp en elektronica omvatten, maar het hoofdonderdeel zal programmeren in Circuit Python zijn. Je wordt ook gevraagd om een mondelinge presentatie van 30 minuten te geven, in het Engels, over hoe je de uitdaging hebt opgelost.

Strategic Brand Management (Organisation; Q3)
In this module students will work independently (individually or in duos, depending on enrolment numbers) to conduct a brand audit on an existing brand (of their choice, subject to approval by the responsible staff member). Companies carry out brand audits to keep track of brand performance, identify areas of improvement, and even uncover new strategic directions for the brand. The goal of the brand audit is to assess the sources of brand equity and suggest ways to improve and leverage that brand equity. It consists of three components: brand inventory, brand exploratory, and strategic and tactical recommendations for increasing brand equity. The assignment will involve extensive desk research as well as a small-scale primary data collection. There are three optional meetings with the responsible staff member to discuss progress. The deliverable is a written report of the brand audit.

Business Model Design (Organisation; Q3)
As an honours student participating in the Business Model Design course, you will interview one of the practitioners who will participate in the literature discussion workshops at the location of his/her firm. This interview will be video-recorded by you and put on BrightSpace so that other students in the course can watch it as preparation for the discussion with this practitioner. To prepare for the interview you will come up with relevant questions to ask the practitioner by conducting an in-depth study of multiple literature sources that focus on business model design either at the firm, the inter-organizational, or the ecosystem level. In addition, there is the possibility to play a role in setting up and moderating the literature discussions with your fellow students. The exact honours assignment can of course be tailored to your own interests and schedule. Your ideas should be discussed with the course coordinator in the first week of the course, so that the assignment is clear before the start of week 3.2. With this honours module, you will have the unique opportunity to build a bridge between business model design literature, business model design in practice and how to learn about this in IDE. Your work will be assessed on the basis of how you work with the materials, understand and challenge them and are able to communicate this with experts and your peers.

Codesign in Services (Organisation; Q3)
This course offers you the possibility to follow an honours module, which would require an extra workload of 2.5 ECs. If you wish to follow it, please contact the course coordinator at cis-io@tudelft.nl, in week 1 or week 2 at the latest, to discuss your individual assignment. You could be deepening the literature review on a specific topic explored in the course, such as the concept of participation or power. We are open for suggestions, and therefore we encourage you to propose activities the deeply resonate with your own learning ambitions for this course and for the bachelor program as a whole.

Materials & Manufacturing (Technology; Q3)
HPB students will engage in extra activities (e.g. creating TU-IDE platform within Ubuntoo) diving deeper in the design of manufacturing processes of bio-based materials. Using the Ubuntoo website as a starting point, you will do some in-depth exploration and analysis to create a database in order to connect interesting manufacturing opportunities with developments in biobased materials, beyond the regular group work in M&M. With special attention to visuals you will present your outcomes and hopefully be able to make connections between material developers, designers, makers and brands. E.g. for regular students the own space on the Ubuntoo website is not obliged, but for honor students it is a requirement.

Mechatronics (Technology; Q3)
Create an advanced mechatronics system that synergistically integrates mechanical, electronic, software, network, and AI components. By harnessing the collective capabilities of these technologies, this cutting-edge system is purpose-built to achieve specific functionalities and demonstrate desired behavior, all within a meticulously defined design context.

Machine Learning for Design (Technology; Q3)
Students in the Honors Program are offered the opportunity to design, develop, and test a complete prototype of Machine-Learning powered systems. The projects will be developed in collaboration with researchers of the Knowledge and Intelligence Design (https://kind.fyi) group. The main deliverables of the honors module will be the developed prototype and a report detailing the process of designing, training, and evaluating the system.

Human Factors and Ergonomics (People; Q4)

The Honours Programme Module in this course focuses on deepening your human factors knowledge, engaging with researchers or practitioners working in this field, and making the acquired knowledge easily accessible for others (i.e. to be part of the TU Delft Human Factors Toolbox). As an example, you could develop an in-depth interview or podcast on a certain HF topic or application area, or you could develop an instructional video demonstrating HF methods or tools (see e.g. dined.nl/how-it-works/instructional-videos). The assignment can be done individually or as a duo and will be further specified in consultation with you at the start of the course. During bi-weekly meetings you will get feedback and steering of the process. High quality outcomes are considered to be made publicly available or incorporated in future iterations of the elective.

Experience, Motivation and Behaviour (People; Q4)
Honours students in Experience, Motivation and Behavior will expand their knowledge on human behavior and behavior change. They will develop an extensive behavioral analysis, exploring different factors impacting human behavior using theories from psychology, doing explorative research like observations and interviews, and they will design a behavior change plan that will impact the user and its behavior.

Culture & Society (People; Q4)
In consultation with the course coordinator honours program students can do an extended project, e.g. a literature study, an extended field research or a preparation and recording of a lecture about a specific course-related topic.

Leadership and Project Organisation (Skills; Q4)
Find a practitioner with experience in an organisational setting different from the ones that are in the current course. You will interview this practitioner in a broad manner to find out how they cooperate, communicate, plan and realise progress and apply leadership styles in that setting to realise their design goals. You will transfer your in-depth learnings from that interview to the other LPO students. You will get 20 minutes in each of the studio’s during the Thursday workshop of week 9 to transfer your insights.

Mastering Research Methods (Skills; Q4)
The honours module in MRM involves an extensive review of literature that will be relevant for the research project that is part of the regular course. You will receive training for this by the research experts in the course.

Advanced Prototyping
Assignment option 1: You will create a parameterised model for your personalised fit design (linking to the main assignment of IO3850), and verify the validity and applicability of you parameterisation using a small (3D) dataset (externally sourced or self obtained). You have the option to validate your design digitally (through data analysis), or through fabrication and physical fitting. You will reflect on your findings, and suggest avenues for further development. Assessment is based the existing course deliverables (IO3850), but with extended page limits for the report. Assessment criteria are: 1) soundness of reasoning on the chosen parameterization, 2) quality of evaluation plan, and 3) quality of evaluation execution, 4) quality of documentation. (2,5 or 5 EC)

Assignment option 2: You will develop/extend an extended reality (XR) prototype, and investigate how different choices in digitalization and physicalization effect the understandability, usability, and experience, for its application in R&D or as a XR experience. Specific focus is on multi-sensory and hybrid materialities. You will design and execute an (pilot) experiment to evaluate one aspect of the XR design, e.g. through observation and/or interviews, and draw conclusions based on its outcomes. Assessment is based on a report and oral questioning (in addition to the deliverables of IO3850). Assessment criteria are: 1) soundness of reasoning on the chosen aspect to evaluate 2) quality of experimental plan, 3) quality of experiment execution, and 4) quality of documentation. (2,5 or 5 EC)

Connected creativity
Each year, there are specific themes emerging in the Connected Creativity program, which will get more emphasis in class. For the honours programme the assignment will revolve around such a topic. Some example topics: how to assess creativity in the classroom; asynchronous creativity in groups; the need for reverging; creative capacity in organizations, Personality and creativity (e.g. MBTI); shaping a brave space; artifical intelligence and creativity. The topic can be further specified in discussion with the student. The assignment will include literature research on the topic, designing practical experiments to conduct in class or beyond. The final deliverable can take various forms. It could be an academic paper, a teaching activity in the form of a video, a questionnaire, or something else. Our aim is to use your output again in the next minor as well.

Designing Sustainability Transitions
Verdieping in verschillende Systemic, Transitions or Sustainability topics. Aansluiten bij een phd-er die op betreffende onderwerp al research doet?

Future Mobility Design
Leerplan leg je voor aan de vakcoordinator en HPB coordinator ter goedkeuring

Interactive Environments
Create your own project that evolves around an iterative design process and delivers concept for an interactive environment.

Voor deze HPB-module bij de minorstage dien je eerst je stage aan te melden in Osiris Zaak. Zodra je de goedkeuring voor de minorstage hebt ontvangen, bespreek je jouw ideeën met je stagedocent en de stagecoördinator. Stel een plan voor een extra verdiepende, individuele opdracht van 70 uur totaal, (of bij 5 EC versie 140 uur) naast  je al gestelde stage leerdoelen die je tijdens de stage gaat opdoen.

Study Abroad
During the period of studying abroad the student will do an extra course at the visited university worth 2,5 or 5 EC; Alternatively the student will spend 70 or 140 hours writing an additional report on cultural, educational, and design profession differences and similarities between The Netherlands and the visited country.


Design for the Circular Economy (Q3)
Different per year.

Reimagining Mobility (Q3)
If you have chosen this HPB module, discuss your ideas with the course coordinator in week 1 or week 2 (the latest) and propose a plan for an individual assignment. This assignment can be shaped/is preferably shaped in a way that has the potential of benefitting future runs of the course. For instance, we ask you to deepen the assignment by; further • Developing enriching material for the next course generation to be offered;* • Exploring the way design theory can be implemented in your design assignment; *• Doing research in the implementation/use in professional practice of one of our course topics.*• Bring your topic that can be selected for the HPB module concern deepening (part of the) knowledge that is treated in the course.

Health (Q3)
Health is an elective course where you will explore the Dutch healthcare landscape as a socio-technical system and understand the stakeholders with their unique perspectives. This course centers on building knowledge to prepare for designing products, services, and interventions in the context of health.
It can be extra challenging when designing for healthcare as the landscape is a complex system of stakeholders with unique perspectives. This course will help you navigate and understand the complexities involved, challenging you to find your own perspective as a designer in the field of healthcare!

Identity & Portfolio (Q3)
Werken aan een verdiepende vraag die ofwel te maken heeft met theorie rondom “identiteit’ ofwel met theorie rondom “zelfexpressie”. Je zult door middel van dit korte verdiepende onderzoek bijdragen aan basis materiaal ter ondersteuning van de studenten die het vak volgen. De concrete invulling van het honours project wordt verder vormgegeven in overleg met de coördinator en het team van honours program students dat meedoet. Je hebt dus een grote eigen inbreng, afgestemd op jouw nieuwsgierigheid en talenten.

Design Communication & Visualisation (Q3)
Zoek de breedte op, ga dieper in op de technieken/ methodes uit de IOB4-S1 lessen. Doe een voorstel waarin planning en inhoud.
Studenten die bij IOB4-S1 een honours module willen volgen, krijgen daarnaast de opdracht om zich te verdiepen in de essentie van design en visualisatie: welke betekenissen hebben de twee, en hoe zijn ze aan elkaar gekoppeld? Voorbeelden, geschiedenis, etymologie, statement, visueel verslag, conclusie. Empirisch: kan design zonder visualisatie?

Design Engineering Contest (Q3)
The honours module in DEC requires you to take a helicopter view over the course content and surprise us with a new assignment for next years DEC. The assignment is teamwork (teams of 2 students). During the course we will schedule 2 feedback moments (formative) and a final presentation (summative). The assignment will be graded by means of a pass/fail. The assignment consists of defining the next contest challenge for the DEC. Of course there are boundary conditions. Please think of: - Do-able for students: fit with toolkit, match design engineering skillset, time spent, … - Do-able for the staff: complexity of the assignment regarding contest rules, playing field (recycle the current playing field) and additional materials required. - Other stakeholders (audience, FMVG, SDE financial officer,…) Your final deliverable consists of a presentation for the DEC-staff. 1. Description of the challenge 2. Contest rules 3. Set-up of the playing field and additional materials 4. Possible pitfalls and 5. Advise for (changes) in the toolkit We advise you to approach this assignment as a design exercise, including a clear problem definition, set of requirements (PVE; to be discussed in the 2nd meeting with your DEC-honours coach), various concepts, concept choice and detail design.

Biomechanics for Product Use (Q3)
The topics that can be selected for the HPB-module concern deepening (part of the) knowledge that is treated in the course. Discuss your ideas with the course coordinator in week 1 or week 2 (the latest) and propose a plan for an individual assignment. This assignment can be shaped in a way that has the potential of benefiting future runs of the (regular) course.

Design Analytiacs (Q3)
In Design Analytics (IO-B6-E8), students will learn about the 5-stage Design Analytics Process (DAP), which comprises of design diagnostics, study design synthesis, user experimentation, data analysis and design prescription. DAP is predominantly grounded in quantitative “experiment-driven” methodology. For Honors Program students, this 5-stage process will be learned and executed in a group setting. In addition, students will be required to enrich the experimental mindset and statistical analysis with insights gained through qualitative research. In this way, students learn ways of organizing, executing and communicating results obtained through mixed-method analysis. This would entail designing and executing a mixed-method study about investigating the effects of an IPSS (Intelligent Product, Service or System). In particular, this requires collecting qualitative data (through interviews, ethnography, focus groups, etc.) from participants, analyzing data using standardized qualitative research approaches, and communicating their analysis through a report written in the style of an academic publication (maximum 10 pages).

Form & Senses (Q3)
Diving deeper into the world of Form & Senses, students are asked to create an experience that manipulates the human perception by (re)designing sound, light and haptic features of an object in a specific context. Students are free to choose their own object and own context. The way in which students try to manipulate the human perception must be supported with a personal vision statement. Not all features have to be (re)designed, as long as the designed experience manipulates the current way in which humans perceive the object as the student envisioned it. The deliverable is a small report (4-pages incl. pictures) with an accompanying video that includes the outcomes of the sampling, sensory analysis, manifestation and reflection of your new, designed experience.

Design Didactics (Q3)
Honours module Design Didactics (IO B6-E10): een verdiepend onderzoeksverslag. Honours studenten bespreken hierin bij ieder weekthema aanvullende bronnen (die niet zijn aangeleverd binnen het vak) en leveren een extra verslag in van max. 40 pagina's / 20.000 woorden. Hierin wordt aanvullend een actueel didactisch thema behandeld zoals de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van online / blended learning, de invloed van AI op leerprocessen, of een ander onderwerp in overleg.

IOB6-1 DP5 Honours module Bachelor Eind Project (Q4)
Design a personal manifestation in which you express your opinion on your professional responsibility as designer. What do you think is your place in that future? How could you give substance to this? Relate all this to your Bachelor Final Project. Incorporate social and ethical subjects about design and technology.