Graduation opportunities

The projects / assignments in this list have not been screened or approved by the faculty yet. The descriptions are as submitted by clients. Students should actively examine whether it will be possible to develop a project into a suitable Graduation Assignment.

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Graduation opportunities

2024-09-20 | Join the LDE Interdisciplinary Thesis Labs 24/25, LDE Centre for Sustainability

Become a leader in sustainability. Work on your individual master thesis based on a real-world challenge from an external organization. Meet professionals and academic experts, follow workshops, lectures and join excursions. At the same time learn, share and collaborate with other motivated students and contribute to a common, interdisciplinary result with real impact. This thesis lab is open to everyone! It is a highly valuable extracurricular programme that can support you in your master's thesis process. Every Thesis Lab has one or more case holders from practice. This year we organize 4 Thesis Labs that are interesting for Industrial Design Engineering. Follow the links for more info.

2024-09-04 | The Materiality of Privacy, TU Delft

In this project, you will work on a speculative design tool that adds materiality to surveillance and data capture, with reference to research in the field of speculative and social design. You will develop a digital app that warns users, through random and uncontrollable audio messages, that their data are captured and used by service providers—that is, that surveillance is taking place.

2024-09-04 | Ontwerp van een Gepersonaliseerde en Gamified eHealth Interventie voor Ondersteuning tijdens de Hartrevalidatie Wachtperiode, TU Delft

Ontwerp een verbeterde versie van een eHealth-interventie om gepersonaliseerde ondersteuning te bieden aan patiënten tijdens de wachtperiode voorafgaand aan hun hartrevalidatie.

2024-08-16 | Designing for climate injustice in Rotterdam, EUR faculty of Social Sciences & Resilient Delta Convergence

Together with the EUR faculty of Social Sciences and Resilient Delta Convergence we want to understand and design for mitigating climate injustice in Rotterdam. In this project you will work together with researchers from anthropology and visual ethnography. We want to capture the in-depth stories of citizens and as a graduation student you will use design techniques, such as context-mapping, co-creation and GIGA-mapping. Are you interested in using these methods in practice, this project is for you!

2024-08-10 | Virtual Avatar Co-embodiment and Haptics, NAIST, TU Delft, CWI / Utrecht University

Virtual avatar co-embodiment refers to situations where two or more users embody a single, shared avatar (e.g., in Virtual Reality). This offers a multi-user experience characterized by shared control over the avatar's movement, allowing for the creation of stronger bonds between humans at a distance. Prior experiments have shown that participants who co-embody a virtual avatar report high levels of perceived control, with lower levels of actual control, making it a promising method for VR-based rehabilitation and training.

2024-08-10 | Research Elective - Prototyping with DataFoundry

The development of research and education on the use of data in design is very active at IDE, from the Data-Centric Design lab to the data and AI-related courses throughout the curriculum. Yet, the effective and responsible use of data in design remains challenging as the tools fail to fit the design practitioners' literacy and goals. IDE is teaming up with TU/e Industrial Design to scale up the use of DataFoundry, a digital platform that supports data use throughout the design process. It is a unique opportunity to enable all IDE students to easily collect and analyze data during their design projects.

2024-08-10 | Exploring User Engagement Through a Data-Centric Approach, Zimmer Biomet

The Data-Centric Design Lab collaborates with Zimmer Biomet, a global leader in musculoskeletal healthcare transitioning from implants to solutions provider. They are transforming the surgical journey and patient care with ZBEdge, their integrated digital technologies, robotics, implant solutions, and consultancy services. The MyMobility care management platform is a core data technology of Zimmer Biomet to address the pre- and postoperative phases of a surgical journey. Its patient-facing side usually works on mobile devices and provides education and guidance to patients via text and videos while allowing patients to communicate remotely with their care teams. It empowers patients to take an active role in their recovery. For the care teams, it provides constant updates on how their patients are doing since it collects mobility and patient-reported data (surveys). MyMobility is present in 22 countries across five continents and already helped dozens of thousands of patients.

2024-08-10 | Explore the Design of a Data Studio, Data-Centric Design Lab

In this project, you will explore the design of a data-centric design studio, a facility available for research and teaching where data, from telemetry to video streams, can be collaboratively explored as part of a research and design process. You will develop an understanding of the research, education, and valorization needs that such a facility could support, integrate the data tools that we have at the Faculties (e.g., large monitors, table touch-screen, web-based data platforms), and envision tools we miss. You will prototype and showcase such data studio.

2024-08-01 | Verschillende collectieve vervoersmogelijkheden combineren in een vervoerssysteem, Advier

Op veel plekken, zeker in het landelijk gebied, is een scala aan vervoersmogelijkheden. Er is het OV, dat het moeilijk heeft op ‘dunne lijnen’ en buiten de spits vaak met lege bussen rondrijd. Er is aanbod van deelmobiliteit, in het landelijk gebied vaak in community-based vorm. Er is doelgroepen vervoer, gericht op bijvoorbeeld hulpbehoevenden (WMO) of scholieren. En er zijn flextaxi’s die op afroep beschikbaar zijn. Koppeling tussen deze verschillende vervoersopties komt echter niet van de grond, terwijl alle losse opties afzonderlijk moeite hebben (financieel) het hoofd boven water te houden. Verschillende financieringsstromen, regels en gebrek aan innovatie zorgen ervoor dat het vervoersaanbod in landelijke regio’s verder verschraalt terwijl er een veelvoud aan verschillende auto’s, busjes en andere alternatieven voor handen zijn. In dit onderzoek wordt er gevraagd om de koppeling tussen één of meerdere van deze vervoersmiddelen te ontwerpen. Dit kan op voertuig- of op dienstniveau. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan het modulair maken van een voertuig geschikt voor verschillende doelgroepen. Een nieuwe dienst (bijv. belbus), of hoe leeg rond rijdende bussen creatief te benutten.

2024-08-01 | Online presentation of apparel fabric, TU Delft

In online fashion retailing, communicating clothing fabric is difficult, leading to unnecessary returns. Different ways of presenting fabric properties will be compared (e.g., using pictures, videos, or interactive graphics) in order to help people in getting an accurate perception of the fabric online.

Graduation Support