Honours Programme Master

TU Delft offers talented and motivated students the opportunity to both invest more time in their own area of study and to broaden their horizon at the same time. Are you ready to take on an extra challenge and broaden your horizon beyond your regular course of studies? And do you want to be part of a research team of one of the professors? Then the Honours Programme Master (HPM) of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment may be just what you are looking for!

The HPM Architecture and the Built Environment (HPM A+BE) focuses especially on academic research. In a ‘master-apprentice’ system, you will set up and carry out your own research linked to one of the current research programmes, under the personal guidance of an experienced researcher. You will carry out targeted (design) research, running parallel to your regular Master’s curriculum.

About the programme

The HPM Architecture and the Built Environment as a whole amounts to 20 EC, divided in two parts, namely an interfaculty part and a faculty part:

  • 5 EC interfaculty part
    For the interfaculty part, students have to choose one of three interfaculty courses:
    • UD2010 (5 EC) – Critical Reflection on Technology. In this course you will learn to adopt a well-reasoned position on ethical and methodological issues.
    • UD2012 (5 EC) – Business Leadership for Engineers. In this course, developed by leadership experts from TU Delft and successful TU Delft-alumni, you will learn skills to cope with different aspects that are necessary for (future) leaders and to make you a more effective tech- and business leader.
    • TPM019A (5 EC) – Leadership Skills for Engineers. In this course you will develop a leadership mindset and will be trained in leadership skills by professionals.
  • 15 EC faculty part
    A research project as part of one of the faculty’s current research programmes. This research project is set up as follows:
    • MSc 1-2 semester:
      • Research Project I (AR9026HPM, 5 EC): thematic and methodical development of a self-chosen topic within the faculty’s current research programmes, resulting in a research proposal.
    • MSc 3-4 semester (up until the end of the 7th quarter):
      • Research Project II (AR9027HPM, 10 EC): (individual) in-depth (design-) research, resulting in an academic research report and exhibition (poster presentations). Can be further developed from the explorative study carried out in MSC 1-2 semester and/or in conjunction with the graduation studio (contingent upon: 1) acceptance (based on availability) into the studio and 2) approval of a short proposal by the studio coordinator)

What are the requirements?

The admission requirements for the HPM Architecture and the Built Environment are:

  • A GPA of 7.5 for a completed TU Delft Bachelor’s degree or a comparable GPA and degree if you obtained your Bachelor's degree at another university;
  • A high level of motivation to participate in the programme.

Please note that the HPM Architecture and the Built Environment starts only in the fall semester and takes two years.The HPM Architecture and the Built Environment is not open to exchange students.


Interested in participating? Application and selection takes place each year in Q1. You can apply by sending an email with "Application HPM 24/25" in the subject to Honoursprogramme-BK@tudelft.nl before week 1.5. You will receive the procedure on how to apply and the application form. 

Selection procedure

You will be enrolled in the programme based on a successful match with a tutor and the agreement about the research project.