Human Research Ethics

There will be no weekly HREC decisions in weeks 30,31, 32 and 33. For 2024, the full committee meetings (for extended risk applications) will take place on Thursday morning of the following weeks: 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 38,  44, and 50.

Research and Corona

While there are no specific corona regulations in place, covid remains a serious threat to vulnerable individuals – this risk should be assessed and communicated in Informed Consent forms along with any other potential risks to human research subjects. 

If you are a researcher, PhD candidate or Master’s student and you are planning to conduct research which involves human Research Subjects (ie: where human participants are the source your research data) there are two main things that you need to do:

The following pages will provide you with the tools and guidance you need to effectively incorporate research ethics into your research design, and eventually seek approval for your study to go ahead.

Ethics Approval for Human Research

At TU Delft, all research involving Human Research Subjects – including Master’s theses – requires approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) before it can go ahead. Applications should in most cases be submitted and approved before potential participants (Research Subjects) are approached to take part in your study. Not only is this good research practice, but it’s something that most journals want to see before approving research articles for publication. The vast majority of research conducted at TU Delft is considered to be Minimal Risk, and if you’ve considered any risks to participants carefully in your research design, the application process will be pretty swift and easy. 

You can find out everything you need to know about the HREC application process here.