
700 resultaten

Software Carpentry workshops

Software Carpentry workshops

Software Carpentry workshops 11 november 2024 09:00 t/m 14 november 2024 13:30 - Locatie: TU Delft Library, Orange Room | Zet in mijn agenda…

Software Carpentry workshops

Software Carpentry workshops

Course Description Provide context to why and how the skills from this course are relevant for researchers, their research and/or their…

Personal Data & Human Subjects in Research

Personal Data & Human Subjects in Research

Course Description This course will provide you with the essential knowledge and the core skills to handle and think ethically about your…

PhD Course: Personal Data & Human Subjects in Research

PhD Course: Personal Data & Human Subjects in Research

PhD Course: Personal Data & Human Subjects in Research 07 oktober 2024 09:00 t/m 28 oktober 2024 13:00 - Locatie: Bulding 22 Applied Physics…

PhD Course: Personal Data & Human Subjects in Research

PhD Course: Personal Data & Human Subjects in Research

PhD Course: Personal Data & Human Subjects in Research 10 juni 2025 09:00 t/m 30 juni 2025 13:00 - Locatie: TU Delft Library, Orange Room |…

PhD Course: Personal Data & Human Subjects in Research

PhD Course: Personal Data & Human Subjects in Research

PhD Course: Personal Data & Human Subjects in Research 20 januari 2025 09:00 t/m 10 februari 2025 13:00 - Locatie: TU Delft Library, Orange…

Over the Library

Over the Library

TU Delft Library: een onmisbare partner voor onderzoek en onderwijs Bibliotheken spelen al eeuwenlang een essentiële rol in het bewaren van…

Peer Review Showdown: Navigating the Future of Scholarly Publishing

Peer Review Showdown: Navigating the Future of Scholarly Publishing

Peer Review Showdown: Navigating the Future of Scholarly Publishing 26 september 2024 12:30 t/m 13:30 - Locatie: TU Delft Library,…

DCC Call For Projects 2024

The DCC Call For Projects 2024 is now closed This call is aimed at TU Delft researchers who want to improve their research data management…


The DCC has two types of calls for researchers (including PhD candidates and PostDocs): Hands-on project support for individuals or groups…