Software Carpentry workshops

A Software Carpentry is a four half-day basic hands-on workshop, which covers an introduction to Python programming, introduction to the command-line and task automation with Unix shell,  and an introduction to versioning control with Git. The target audience of these workshops are researchers with little to no prior programming experience that would like to get started in learning programming and software management skills. Software Carpentry workshops are organised at TU Delft by TU Delft Library, ICT Innovation, the TU Delft Data Stewards and the TU Delft Digital Competence Centre (DCC).

Are you a TU Delft researcher (non-PhD candidate) and you would like to get a spot in a software carpentry workshop?

If you are a TU Delft researcher (non-PhD candidate) and you would like to participate in a software carpentry, we have reserved five places in each workshop for you!

Please sign up directly in the corresponding link.

Next workshops

Relevant Information

  • Participants need to allocate at least 2 hours of preparation before the workshop (i.e. filling in a pre-workshop survey, installing the needed software, downloading datasets).
  • PhD candidates can receive 1.5 GS credits in the Research skills category of the GS Education programme if they are present in the four half-days sessions, complete the exercises and actively contribute to the discussions in class (more information here).
  • PhD candidates should register via Coachview, the course registration application of the Graduate School Doctoral Education (GS DE) programme. 
  • If you are only interested in learning version control with Git, please consider joining the workshop ‘Version control & Collaborative development for Research Software’ instead.
  • If you are only interested in learning the basic command line and how to use it to run programs on the DelftBlue Supercomputer, please consider joining the workshops provided by the DCSE instead: 

Learning-on-the-job Opportunity

Those PhD cadidates with skills in software programming and development can participate as assistanr (helpers) in Software Carpentry workshops arganized at TU Delft. Assistants can get up to 2 GS points as part of the learning-on-the-job activities (Teaching & Supervision).
PhD candidates that would like to be assistants need to get the agreement of their supervisor and contact Paula Martinez Lavanchy (RDS Training coordinator) via


If you have any questions about the workshops, please contact:

Next training session

Dates for the next workshop to be announced in summer 2024.