S.C. Santema S.C. Santema



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Sicco Santema is Professor of Business to Business Marketing at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering.

Academic Background

Lawyer, engineer, PhD, what the …, just call me Sicco.

I am fascinated by technology for people, innovations that help people move forward, in life, in health, in achieving goals. Currently my fascination is on the Aviation industry, design for Aviation! A whole industry that is oriented at moving people from A to B, or better from home to destination, of which flying is just a part of the journey, The Passenger Journey! Industrial designers can contribute a lot in this journey, imagine a smoother flow through the airport, a better connection between home and airport, a continuous experience from booking a trip to actually enjoying the trip and back, re-experience after you have come home. To connect to the inflight part of travelling, we have erected a cabin of an aircraft in the Applied Labs. Students can now test concepts or redesign parts of the inflight experience.

Next to that there are also crew journeys and luggage journeys to be studied. All of these subjects are part of my work in the aviation industry.
In my courses I always connect companies (and people!) to their customers and their suppliers. Usually, some 60 % of what is produced for customers is bought from suppliers. So that is why we have introduced supplier integrated design: if I know beforehand that 60 % of my design will (once produced) be bought from suppliers, why don’t I integrate the knowledge of suppliers already in the design? We get amazing results in doing that, quality goes up, price and risks go down.

As a side activity, I invest in start ups, helping students to realise their dream: owning their own company. Entrepreneurship is to me an important aspect of learning. If you stand out for yourself, you know what you are doing!

Personal life:

Born in 1960, married, 4 daughters and a dog. Living in Zeist. Owner of Scenter, a consultancy firm in cooperation between companies and people, employing 25 people.


  • 1992 - present
    Professor of Marketing and Supply Management, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • 1998 - present
    Owner of Scenter in Driebergen
  • 2004 – 2011
    Professor of Aerospace Management and Operations, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • 2000 - 2005
    Professor of E-Business Marketing and Procurement, Faculty of Technology and Innovation, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • 1992 - 1998
    Partner of Holland Consulting Group in Amsterdam
  • Before 1992
    Boer & Croon Management Consultants, Shell and DAF Trucks


  • 1991
    PhD, Title: Financial Marketing Tools
    Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • 1987
    MSc, Law
    Specialization: Fiscal Law
    University of Brabant, Tilburg, The Netherlands
  • 1985
    MSc, Business Engineering
    Specialization: Marketing and organisational sciences
    Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands 

Specialisation / field of research

  • Marketing and Supply management: customer and/or supplier integrated design
  • Lean in supply chain cooperation
  • Information exchange in cooperation
  • Aviation industry, focus on experiences of passengers, crew and luggage.
  • Entrepreneurship

Lectures and/or coaches students on:

  • Journeys and experiences in the aviation industry
  • Supply integrated design
  • Customer integrated design
  • Supervision of graduation projects of students in industrial design engineering

Secondary employment

Next to the above I hold the following secundary employments:

  • Member of non executive board of the Rabobank, Utrechtse Heuvelrug
  • Participation in postgraduate courses on a regular basis, such as ISAM and Beeckesteijn business school
  • Shareholder of AELS, a company that disassembles aircrafts in order to process and sell the parts
  • Shareholder of Calender 42, a start up in the use of calendring information

Involved in the research project(s):
