Train travellers complain about dirty train toilets, they avoid using it or even avoid taking the train because of the dirty toilets. The research project Train Toilet, a cooperation between TU Delft and NS, investigates what types of design can improve the hygiene in train toilets.
In the media (Dutch only)
EditieNL (2015)
AD (2012) (2012) (2012)
NOS journaal (2010)
De Telegraaf (2010)
Goals of the project
The goal of the research by design project is that the train traveller values the train toilet as sufficient. Thus by enhancing the hygiene of the train toilet the train trip will be more appreciated and therefore one of the barriers to travel by train will be removed, particularly for elderly and families with young children. It is known that this group of train travellers use the train more often during off-peak hours, the period of time that there is more than enough space for travellers in the train. This research and development project attempts to get a grip on the phenomenon hygiene in the train toilet. This to offer designers knowledge, tools and a concept of a hygienic train toilet.