Miquel Ayllón García 

"By good organisation and personal communication with the teams, my objective is that everyone, regardless of the level, has the opportunity to enjoy playing football every week."

After playing in the Monday evening soccer competition...

...I decided to take the responsibility of coordinating everything. By good organisation and personal communication with the teams, my objective is that everyone, regardless of the level, has the opportunity to enjoy playing football every week.

This year, I'm really hoping to see...

...many of the teams that played the previous seasons and see how the teams improve. But even more I want to see if new students at TU Delft are capable of creating teams that finish in the top positions. Also, it is always nice to see the teams of other sport associations, that still want to play football aside from their main sport.

If you're new and you're not sure what X has to offer...

... I'd recommend going through our website and check out all the cool stuff going on. With many spaces (also for free-use) and ticket hours, it’s worth trying new things, as it is a fantastic way to discover hidden passions you might not expect. Don’t hesitate to explore new ticket hours, you might just find something you love!

Interested in joining the monthly football league? Sign up as a team at 4 September!


This year, I'm really hoping to see many of the teams that played the previous seasons and see how the teams improve.

Miquel Ayllón García

MSc Student Materials Engineering, Host & Football Competition Coordinator