Nicole Bulk

"The biggest compliment I can get is when a student board member tells me that I helped them to have an interesting, educational journey during their year on the board."

My roots...

...are in Twente, in the east of the Netherlands. That's where I was born and raised. It was my sport, canoeing, that took me to the other side of the country at nineteen. I'd made it to the international top in canoeing, a minority sport in the Netherlands but very big elsewhere in the world. I learned a lot during this period, I developed as a person.

My job...

...brings me into contact with the student board members of the student sports clubs. The biggest compliment I can get is when a student board member tells me that I helped them to have an interesting, educational journey during their year on the board. A journey with lessons that proved useful and which they will remember and apply in ten years’ time. That gives me great satisfaction.

My current job at X has helped make me the person I am today.

Nicole Bulk

Programme Coordinator Sports and Games

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