Terms and Conditions 2024-2025

Duration: to 31 August 2025


Your participation in activities at X is at your own risk.

X ensures the safest possible environment by working in accordance with safety instructions, and X staff/teachers monitor compliance with these instructions. If you notice an unsafe situation that X could improve, please let us know. However, it is impossible to entirely rule out all risks, such as getting a sports injury or an injury caused by equipment/tools in a design studio. Be aware of the risks and ask a teacher or other X staff member for advice if necessary. We recommend that you take out adequate personal third-party liability and accident insurance.

There is also a risk of theft, loss of or damage to personal property. X is not liable for this and advises you to keep valuables with you and not to leave them unattended in a room/studio or changing room. You can use a locker to store your belongings free of charge. Please note: all lockers automatically open at 5:00 am, so make sure you do not leave your belongings in a locker overnight.

Start time
You will observe the starting time of an activity unless otherwise indicated. To avoid disturbing other participants, we ask you not to enter the room once an activity has started.

Cancellation of offer (and possible refund from X)
X reserves the right to cancel an activity in case of force majeure. Examples of force majeure situations at X: unexpected necessary maintenance work, sudden (technical) failures or calamities, too few registrations, absence of staff or understaffing due to acute illness or private circumstances (without replacement options) or because of government regulations.

  • No refunds will be issued for cancellations of reservations that fall under your X subscription, unless you have paid an additional fee for a specific activity.
  • Courses usually consist of a series of seven lessons. X reserves the right to postpone a lesson by one week due to the illness or absence of the teacher/instructor (and use the buffer week), without this leading to partial refunds.
  • In case of a complete cancellation of a course or event (even if it has already started), participants who have already paid for it will receive a (partial) refund.

Any right to a refund lapses when X offers an alternative. This also applies if X (temporarily) offers an alternative in order to schedule and make upgrades to the existing offer.

Competing offer
Organising activities at X on your own initiative (without coordination/agreement with X) that are equivalent to X's offer is considered competing and is not allowed. If you want to investigate whether a collaboration with X (co-creation) is a possibility, please contact the hosts.

If the intended activity is intended for a different target group than X TU Delft's primary target group, it is not competing, and you are advised to contact the Hospitality department to discuss the options.

Withdrawal and refunds on your initiative
You can instruct the hosts to cancel an X subscription, course or consumer item within fourteen days of purchase, without the need to give a reason, provided that you have not used it in any way. You will be refunded the full purchase amount.

It is not possible to cancel/withdraw from events.

If you have already made use of an X subscription or course, you can have this terminated prematurely in consultation with the hosts only in the event of force majeure* and receive a refund of part of the purchase price in the form of a credit to your X account in the webshop, which you can use or have paid out by PIN with the hosts. The amount of the credit is determined using a set calculation method.

A refund due to force majeure* is not possible for (consumer) items and events.

* Possible forms of force majeure from the customer:

  • If you are going abroad for your studies and therefore cannot (or can no longer) use your X subscription or course and you did not know this before purchasing your X subscription or course. If you were aware of this and still purchased an X subscription or course with an overlapping period, this is not a form of force majeure and therefore no grounds for a refund.
  • If you can demonstrate that you are unable to use your X subscription or follow your course due to injury.
  • If you no longer study at TU Delft and move further than 25 km away from X.

House rules
Everyone observes the X house rules at X, so that everyone feels welcome, safe and included.

Inappropriate conduct and/or undesirable behaviour
It goes without saying that inappropriate conduct and/or undesirable behaviour is not tolerated. If you notice a situation in which the rules are not complied with and/or someone feels uncomfortable, please report this to an X staff member as soon as possible so that we can immediately address the situation.

Information on the pricing policy can be found on the page Prices X offer 2024-2025.
X reserves the right to introduce price changes during the season if deemed necessary.
No rights may be derived from any errors in the prices quoted.

Photo/video declaration of consent
Photos may be taken and videos recorded at X for promotional purposes. These images can be made by an X employee or by an (external) photo/videographer on behalf of X. The photos or videos will be exclusively used by X to promote X (or its products/programme offers).

If you object to the publication of photos or videos in which you are recognisable, you will always have the right to indicate this. You can communicate your objection directly to the person taking the photos or recording the video and/or any X member of staff present, so that your wishes can be taken into account when the photos are taken/videos are recorded. You can also communicate your objection after publication by sending an email to Communication-x@tudelft.nl, after which the publication in question will be deleted.

Webshop time zones
If you use of our webshop from a different time zone abroad, please be aware that the system displays the time zone where you are located but this does not correspond to the time of the actual booking in the Netherlands. In such cases, we recommend checking whether your reservation/booking is correct.

Changes in the range offered
X reserves the right to change the continuous/fixed range on offer on a quarterly basis.

X subscription

If an activity is part of your X subscription, e.g. the free use of a room or participation in a ticket hour, please bring your Campus Card/X card with you. X employees reserve the right to check whether a participant has an active X subscription, which you must be able to prove by showing your Campus Card/X card.

The day of purchase counts within the duration of the subscription. For example, if you bought a monthly season ticket on 5 January, it is valid until 4 February. You also have the option to change the start date in the webshop.

Subscriptions are never valid beyond 31 August (end of academic year), regardless of the purchase date. Example: if you buy a ≤3-month subscription on 5 June, the end date of that is also 31 August. Even though the validity period at that time is not three full months, this type of subscription is still the most advantageous option at that time. You cannot claim a refund for this difference.

Many ticket hours, time slots in the fitness (gym), and spaces for free use are very popular, so these hours fill up quickly. Unfortunately, it happens that participants do not show up (without explanation) even though others would have liked to participate. The no-show measure requests that participants cancel in time and that they do not occupy places unnecessarily.

The measures below apply to the following items:

  • All ticket hours,
  • All fitness (gym) time slots,
  • Spaces to reserve for free use: X1, X2 and X3.

You are requested to always arrive on time for a booked activity. For a ticket hour, ‘on time’ means the moment that the door of the room/facility is closed and the teacher/instructor checks off the participant list. For the fitness (gym), ‘on time’ means the moment when you scan your Campus Card/X card at the entrance gates up to a maximum of half an hour (30 minutes) after the start of your booked time slot. For a booking of the above spaces for free use, this means reporting to the hosts before the start of your reservation.

If you are unable to attend the booked activity, you should cancel your reservation at least half an hour (30 minutes) before the start of your booking. This will provide sufficient opportunity for another motivated participant to take your place. The X subscription page contains instructions on how to cancel your booking.

If you do not arrive on time and/or you have not cancelled your booking on time, a no-show will be registered in your X account. You will receive an automatic notification of this by email. If the no-show was a result of circumstances beyond your control, you can submit an online form to the hosts requesting removal of the no-show.

For a first no-show, you will be given a warning. In the event of a second no-show, your X account will be blocked for seven days (7 x 24 hours) after you have received the email. During this period, you will not be able to make any bookings with your X account. For activities that are separate from the X subscription, such as a course, you can contact the hosts who can temporarily unblock your account so you can register. You can also continue to use all of X's freely accessible offers.

Your X subscription will be automatically unblocked after seven days. However, you will be 'on probation' for six weeks (6 x 7 days), which means that after every subsequent no-show during this period, your account will be immediately blocked again for seven days. If there are no further no-shows during this six-week period, the ‘on probation’ period expires and any new no-show will initially result in a warning.

Please note: if you already have a booking in the period for which your account is blocked, you can still participate in this. Make sure you cancel it on time if necessary or show up on time otherwise a new seven-day block will take effect.

An X subscription is for the sole use of the subscriber. The registration of a subscriber’s personal data and their photograph in the user profile of their webshop account is therefore mandatory. It is not permitted to use a Campus Card or X card belonging to someone else or that you may have found. To prevent misuse/loss, we recommend that you report any mislaid Campus Card or X card to the hosts.

Lost or damaged X card
You can purchase a new X card from the hosts for €10.

Free use of facilities
The Book a space as X member page contains an overview of all the indoor and outdoor facilities that you can book for independent use. You can book a space up to three days in advance. (At Band Studios and DJ Studio, this is fourteen days in advance).

You may use a facility with several people at the same time. Only one person needs to book the desired time slot, but all the people present during the time slot should hold a valid X subscription.


Property rights of work
At X, many items are created during courses, workshops and events. Because X has limited storage space, we cannot keep all creations for long periods of time. We therefore ask you to collect your work within two weeks after completion. After those two weeks, the creations become the definitive property of X; this means that X may use them for publication or dispose of or recycle them to free up space in our premises.

Registering as an external person
Anyone interested in a course at X who is not a TU Delft student, PhD candidate or staff member may still be able to participate if places are available. Contact the hosts to check availability on the day that the course is set to start. If a place is free, the hosts can arrange your registration.

Missing a course lesson
If you are unable to attend a lesson, it is unfortunately not possible to catch up at a later date.