
331 results

27 June 2024

New version of webshop scheduled on Monday 1 July

26 June 2024

Summer break at Exhale

Summer break at Exhale

How time flies! The first 6 months of Exhale are almost over, and soon summer will start. During the summer break, Exhale will be closed from Monday, July 1st, but it will be open again with adjusted hours during the OWee. Please keep an eye on the Instagram account for more information about our hours during that time. Exhale will reopen regularly from Monday, 2 September, and will kick off with a jam-packed third Exhale Week full of free events that spark creativity and connection!

21 June 2024

Redevelopment of open spaces X

Redevelopment of open spaces X

To better suit the needs of the target group and thus X's vision, the open and freely accessible spaces associated with X's playground will be redesigned/developed. These spaces include: Entrance, Concept Store, Meeting Point, ACT Lab, Café X, Freetown, Foyer, Kitchen, Living Room, Patio, Reflection Room, Backyard and all corridors.

11 June 2024

Fitness Makeover

09 June 2024

Will you join our hostteam?

06 June 2024

New drink supplier for Cafe X

New drink supplier for Cafe X

Something new is coming at Café X! Starting this week, we will gradually switch to a new drinks supplier: Heineken. Because we previously offered Grolsch, this means that a large part of our range will change. These changes apply to both the alcoholic and non-alcoholic range. Don't worry, we do this step by step and with an eye for sustainability - we will only switch to the new range once the old one has run out. In addition, we strive to keep prices as consistent as possible.

06 June 2024

Our summer programme: VitaminX

Our summer programme: VitaminX

A large part of the TU Delft students are currently working up to their exams.. but summer vacation is around the corner; which means that it’s almost time for some well-deserved rest, fun and new masterclasses and events to join. Like every summer, we invite you to get your daily dose of Vitamin X!

27 May 2024

Checks on X subscriptions

26 April 2024

Opening hours during national holidays in April and May

Opening hours during national holidays in April and May

There are a number of national holidays in April and May. These public holidays have little effect on X's opening hours. But there are a few changes:

18 April 2024

Replacing schedule views on our website