Queer Inclusion Toolkit
An easy document with inspiration and concrete tips for an inclusive organization for LGBTI+ people. Written with and by LGBTI+ people, in collaboration with associations.
Project Background and Approach
Many students and employees are open to creating a more inclusive environment for LGBTI+ people. We discovered this while organizing Purple Friday and researching the desires of genderqueer students. Most people just did not know exactly how to do this concretely.
That is not incomprehensible, because sometimes you do not know others' needs and do not always have the time to do extensive research on it yourself. That is why we have gathered good practices with Team Study Climate and the StudentHub and listed them for you.
Outcomes and Insights
While handing out this document, a conversation about inclusion ensued. Every association is different, so not everyone can apply the same things, but every association can still make strides.
Concrete changes made;
Diversity and inclusion is one of the focus points of this year's OWee.
At least 5 associations have made the dress code for galas more inclusive this year.
At least 8 societies added pronouns to their email closure.
At least 3 committees have actively sought queer speakers for their events.
At least 6 associations have offered (for specific events) an option for a gender-neutral restroom.
At least 5 societies indicate that during EJWs, the OWee and the KMT, they look to group genderqueer students together in mentor groups so that there are at least 2 genderqueer students together.
What Is Next?
This toolkit will be distributed more actively on May 17 (the day against queer phobia). After this, we will further engage with associations in Delft to see where their opportunities for inclusion lie. We are also working with team Study-Climate to organize a queer introduction day, giving LGBT+ students an opportunity to discover the LGBT+ community in Delft.
This is all part of the progress to make TU Delft a more inclusive place for LGBTI+ people, by making them feel more at home in our organization.