BK logo extension

The logo extension of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment follows the same principle as the logo of TU Delft. Based on this style, three different logos can be used depending on the purpose and target group.

BK logo extension variants

  • Preferred logo: color, black or white depending on the color and photographic background in horizontal form or compact form.
  • The logo can be used with descriptive text if it is not immediately clear to the target group that TU Delft is a university

The guideline is that we consistently use the TU Delft logo and/or the BK logo extension. Think of vacancies, websites, brochures or PowerPoint presentations. If you still want to mention a department name, use a label and not a logo.

Labels for departments

  • Preferred label for departments: blue, black or white depending on color and photographic background.

Practical information

When do you use the different file types? EPS files are used for professional printing. RGB files are used for digital work, such as websites. CYMK files are used for printing.