100 DAYS OF... Data for Learning - Whitepaper out now

Provided by Teaching Academy 

In the ‘100 DAYS OF... DATA FOR LEARNING’ the Teaching Acadmy, Teaching and Learning Services, the 4TU Center for Engineering Education, the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Center for Education and Learning, and the Delft Extension School have organised peer exchange among scientific 
Staff, educational support, students, and lecturers around the topic of data for learning and Learning Analytics. 
The program included journal clubs, invited science speaker sessions, and a hackathon event to understand the role and potential of data to support teaching and learning in engineering. In detail 
this included twelve Science speaker sessions, in which a variety of topics has been presented and discussed about current applications of data in teaching and learning support as also fields of 
tension and challenges. In the main event experts and interested participants convened for three international keynotes and eight workshops on the topics of Learning Analytics and Data for Teaching and Learning. 
The program team is happy to announce that the insights and findings of the 100 DAYS initiative are combined in the 100 DAYS OF… Data for Learning Whitepaper. Please have a look and share it with colleagues for whom this might be relevant.