Anchor Links Example

Create variation in Assignments and Questions

Ans offers various methods to create and automate variation in your Assignments and Questions. To create variation between and within Assignments, you can use Blueprint and Flow. The Blueprint function creates an Assignment out of randomly selected Exercises from your Question Bank. This method requires Exercises tagged with Metadata. With Flow you create unique digital Assignments for each Learner. For both methods, you need a large repository of Exercises. Both methods are summarised in the table below.

To create variation within Questions you need to use the Code Editor in Ans to parametrise values and answer options, which creates unique Questions per Learner.

  Blueprint Flow
Selects Exercises from: A Question Bank An existing Assignment (parent Assignment) in a Course
Exercise selection based on: Learning Objectives (and other optional Filters) Flow Groups
Supported Assignment Types: Digital Test
Written Assignment
Hand-in Assignment
Appraisal Form
Digital Test
With fixed or randomised Exercises per participant:  Fixed (or randomised if you also use Flow) Randomised


Anchor Links Example