Duties and Competences

During the summer holidays from July the 1st to September the 1st,  the Board of examiners will be less accessible due to absent colleagues.

There will be no meetings of the Board of Examiners ME in the period from 6/27/2024 to 8/14/2024.
For the meeting of August the 14th, complete requests must be received by the examination committee no later than the 5th of August.

There will be no meetings of the Board of Examiners KT-TM in the period from 6/29/2024 to 8/9/2024.
For the meeting of August the 9th, complete requests must be received by the examination committee no later than 31st of July.

The Board of Examiners determines in an objective and expert manner, whether a student meets the conditions specified in the Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER) with regard to the knowledge, insight and skills needed to receive the degree.

In the execution of these duties, the Board of Examiners is charged with:

  • Approving individual study programmes
  • Appointing examiners
  • Safeguarding the quality of tests and examinations
  • Issuing degree certificates 
  • Determining the examination results of individual students taking the Bachelor's and Master's programmes
  • In addition, the Board of Examiners acts as an intermediary in disputes between students and lecturers if asked to do so

The Higher Education and Research Act (WHW), the Teaching & Examination Regulations (OER) and the Rules and Guidelines of the Board of Examiners (RRvE) give the Board of Examiners the following competences.

The Board of Examiners:

  1. decides whether a student has passed the degree programme/degree audit
  2. grants exemptions
  3. grants permission to adjust an examination for students with disabilities/chronic illnesses
  4. grants extra exam opportunities
  5. confers the predicate, Cum Laude,
  6. gives approval to self-composed minors
  7. appoints the MSc thesis committee
  8. decides whether fraud/plagiarism has been committed and can impose sanctions
  9. gives approval to a student's Master’s programme (and any changes).

 For more Information about various procedures, click here.

Students can appeal to the Examination Appeals Board (CbE) against decisions made by the Board of Examiners. Letters of appeal must be submitted within a period of 6 weeks. This period begins on the day after the decision was sent. More information is available here.