The central focus is on analysing and solving complex problems that involve many parties with conflicting interests. The fundamental themes of the EPA programme  are system understanding, modelling, simulation, policy and politics.

Many grand societal challenges such as climate change, the energy transition and cybersecurity have a major technological component. However, solving complex problems does not just require understanding of technology. It also requires how actors (persons, organizations) use technology and how they decide about it. As a student you will work on real and actual cases, such as pandemics, the banking crisis, scarce metals or the introduction of hydrogen as an energy carrier, often with the real commissioner of the work at arm’s length. Also, climate change policy adaption is a topic commonly analysed through EPA lenses: how to model the challenge of policy change and what would this mean for the feasibility and desirability of policies? In specific contexts, what will the future look like and how can different societies adapt to it in better ways?

Every year the curriculum is revised. Under this tab you will find the curriculum of the past few years.

In the second year of the Master programmes of the Faculty Technology, Policy and Management, students choose an elective package. Several standard packages are offered (but individual packages are possible).

More information

More information can also be found on the student portal. An overview of electives can be found in the study guide

Lilian Hellemons

Office manager

Business operations and contact for students