Courses and examinations
Register or deregister for courses and exams? On this page you will find all information about how to register for Courses and Exams at TPM.
Courses TPM
All BSc and MSc courses within TPM can also be taken as electives. Since there are a limited number of places available in a number of courses, we also offer alternatives. View per study program to which subject a Cap applies and which alternatives are offered.
To date, no maximum number of students has been imposed on the courses of the BSc Technische Bestuurskunde.
There is currently no maximum number of students imposed on the courses of the MSc Complex Systems Engineering and Management.
There is currently no maximum number of students imposed on the courses of the MSc Engineering and Policy Analysis.
There is a maximum number of students allowed on some courses of the MSc Management of Technology. In the study guide it is stated for which courses this applies. For these courses, only regular MOT and orientation students are admitted. They do not have to apply for the course, but are automatically enrolled in Brightspace.
A limited number will be available for EPA, CoSEM and IE students. They can apply using the form in the study guide.