
36018 results

A. (Alexander) Koutamanis



Many materials used in the automotive, furniture, and bulidng industry are considered non-recyclable and are thrown away or incinerated at…

Green Parenting 2030

Green Parenting 2030

How can young parents deal with the dilemma of sustainabily taking care of the world their child will grow up in, whilst being immersed in…

Blade Barrier

Blade Barrier

Decommissioned wind turbine blades are very difficult to recycle. But we don’t have to! Their unique properties offer great potential for…

Eline van Beest

Where do you work? I work at NightBalance . I am the founder and managing director. After studying Industrial Design Engineering I started…

Marcelle van Beusekom

Where do you work? As a Senior Creative Lead at LUNAR (San Francisco, USA), I am responsible for exploring and defining the right approach…



Cooperation The Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) is world-leading in academic design education and research, integrating…


The Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering maintains active contact with its alumni. After graduation, our students find themselves in…

Femke Braaksma

Where do you work? I work as operational manager at Rijkswaterstaat, the executive arm of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the…