
35969 results


Tone Negative Reference All resist: Spin coat Bake hotplate in…

Rolf van Wegberg in het AD over bankfraude

Rolf van Wegberg in het AD over bankfraude

Het begint meestal met een geloofwaardig appbericht, zielig mailtje of een verontrustend telefoontje: cybercriminelen worden steeds…

Materials for Solid Oxide Cells

Reversible Solid Oxide Cells (RSOC) are promising chemical reactors for the decarbonized and electrified chemical plants of the future and a…

Artificial breeze reduces heat in cities

Artificial breeze reduces heat in cities

More vegetation in cities lowers the temperature but how do you plant more trees, plants and bushes in city squares without compromising the…

Whiffle and Shell are working on the wind park of the future - using game technology

Whiffle and Shell are working on the wind park of the future - using game technology

Whiffle and Shell are working on the wind park of the future - using game technology Shell has been using Whiffle’s software to determine…

"The ultimate goal is to deploy a swarm of mini moon rovers"

"The ultimate goal is to deploy a swarm of mini moon rovers"

There is no shortage of visionary ideas at TU Delft but the students behind the Lunar Zebro are working on a project that can truly be…

No energy transition and microchips without critical materials

No energy transition and microchips without critical materials

No energy transition and microchips without critical materials More sustainable housing with solar panels, an economy that runs on green…

IDE in the media (Week 23 2023)

IO in de media (Week 23 2023)

TU Delft draws attention to their wide range of Lifelong Learning options

TU Delft draws attention to their wide range of Lifelong Learning options

Building a better society is the mission of the university in the context of Science, Engineering and Design. That’s what TU Delft stands…

Parents and caregivers: an interview with two PhD candidates

Family caregiving is part of the fabric of life. Many scientists (m/f) have children or are starting a family at the same time as…