
36065 results

E.P.N. Schreurs

Subsidies and Sponsors

TU Delft provides resources for ambitious students or organisations to reach their objectives. Here you can find a list of options for…


Schedule IMPORTANT UPDATE: From Monday 22 July, this page will expire. The plugin that enabled this visual timetable is no longer viable.…

Useful external websites

Useful external websites

Well-being Websites Take a look at these websites on well-being which might help you: (Dutch) Hey, het is oke : (Dutch)…

Email signature

Enhance your professional communications with our custom company email signature. Using a standardized email signature not only strengthens…

About the bachelor programme Nanobiology - Erasmus University Rotterdam (Erasmus Medical Centre) and TU Delft

Nanobiology uses the language of Mathematics within the context of Physics to understand the complexity of Biology. Unique to this…

Master’s programmes after the bachelor programme Nanobiology – Erasmus University (Erasmus Medical Center) and TU Delft.

Once you have your BSc degree, you can decide whether to study for a Master’s degree. Be aware that a Bachelor title from a University of…

Alumni stories

Ilias Zarguit MSc Nanobiology exposed me to even more in-depth knowledge than the BSc. Alongside the core set of mandatory in-depth courses,…