
36317 results

Autonomous greenhouse: computer grows the best tomatoes and beats professional growers

Autonomous greenhouse: computer grows the best tomatoes and beats professional growers

A team of researchers and students from TU Delft and the companies Van der Hoeven Horticultural Projects, KeyGene and Hoogendoorn Growth…

Going transcen­dental in the Electrical Engineering Faculty

Going transcen­dental in the Electrical Engineering Faculty

Gurus and other spiritual counsellors of mind and soul might just as well pack up. Willem-Paul Brinkman and Ding Ding elevated…

Help from an unexpected quarter: geosciences data techniques can help predict corona spread

Help from an unexpected quarter: geosciences data techniques can help predict corona spread

An international team of scientists, among whom Femke Vossepoel of TU Delft Safety & Security Institute’s Executive Board, is studying the…


At many places in the building there are escape route plans with the escape routes per floor and the emergency information. In case of…


‘I want to bring the worlds of sustainability and finance together’

‘I want to bring the worlds of sustainability and finance together’

Karin Sluis, senior consultant and former director of Witteveen+Bos, has been voted TU Delft alumnus of the year 2021.

All in the familiy

All in the familiy

In this series, parents and grandparents discuss their student days with their children and grand-children.

Nanoparticles in the fight against breast cancer

Nanoparticles in the fight against breast cancer

Each year, approximately 17,000 people in just the Netherlands alone are diagnosed with breast cancer.

Delft’s digital euro: the sustainable alternative to Bitcoin

Delft’s digital euro: the sustainable alternative to Bitcoin

The price of bitcoin has been breaking records since the start of the year. The rising value has attracted many new investors, because…

The firm - The Bicycle Repair Man

The firm - The Bicycle Repair Man

The founder of The Bicycle Repair Man, Marc Evers, is in charge of several high-tech service companies and coaches start-ups in his talent…