
36025 results

G. (Guillaume) Rongier

G.J.A. Brouwer

Alumnus Merlijn van Beurden

Lead Designer Roads | Sweco My name is Merlijn van Beurden. I am 30 years old and I have been working at Sweco for over six years. I am…


An internship is a period of work experience offered by an employer to give students and graduates exposure to the working environment. The…

Water Management

Water Management

Welcome Department of Water Management Section Water Resources Studies issues like drought, precipitation, and floods, focusing on the flow…

Walk-in hours

During the months July and August 2024, the walk-in hours are changed, see this overview: Inloopspreekuur summer Psychologists Monday,…

Prices X offer 2024-2025

X’s rates are based on the existing pricing policy, a brief explanation of which can be found below. X subscription price The X subscription…



Be part of our mission and become our partner TU Delft Career Centre works with students, PhDs, PDEngs and young alumni to help them build…

1-on-1 consultation

Do you have a question that is not covered by one of our workshops, or that needs more time than is available during a walk-in hour? Then…