Turnitin is a tool to check plagiarism that is integrated within Brightspace Assignments. Students can submit their written assignments…
People & Research
Here you can find an overview of open data researchers at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management. Current lab members Dr. Anneke…
Graduation projects
Opportunities for future open data graduation projects Master thesis topics for future research include: Research data sharing and use This…
Open Data Research Lab
Openly sharing data online is potentially revolutionary for advancement in all domains and scientific research disciplines. The Open Data…
Openly sharing data online is potentially revolutionary for advancement in all domains and scientific research disciplines. Open data…
DEMO frees elephant from long stick in trunk
A special challenge at DEMO-EWI
Collaborations within and outside the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management. The Open Data Research Lab collaborates on a structural…
News & Events
News items Open menu 28 November 2024 Understanding the development of Public Data Ecosystems New paper alert! “Understanding the…
This page provides information about Open Data-related courses: MOOC and TU Delft courses. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Open Science:…
Sociale veiligheid | Technische Universiteit Delft
Social safety is a universal and fundamental right at TU Delft. As a university, a safe working and learning environment is indispensable.…