This page provides information about Open Data-related courses: MOOC and TU Delft courses.

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

Open Science: Sharing your Research with the World. One out of the four weeks of this free, online course is focused on open research data and research data management.

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TU Delft courses

Societal Challenge Project


Societal Challenge Project” (EPA2112) as part of the Master programme Engineering and Policy Analysis will contain open data-related projects.

Governance Specialisatie I&C


Governance Specialisatie I&C (TB321IB) as part of the Bachelor Technische Bestuurskunde is partly focused on data governance, of which open data governance is one important aspect.

Bachelor Eindproject


For the Bachelor thesis course (Bachelor Eindproject TB351D) as part of the Bachelor Technische Bestuurskunde, students can choose an open data-related project.