
36086 results

SmartX - The energy efficient aircraft wing of the future flies like a bird

SmartX - The energy efficient aircraft wing of the future flies like a bird

Project SmartX - The energy efficient aircraft wing of the future flies like a bird

Forms Master

Here you find different forms such as application for starting your master thesis. Read the form carefully before filling-in. Only fully…

Organise Assignments

Two Ans courses can be created for each course in the studyguide: an Ans "EXAM" Course and an Ans "BRIGHTSPACE" Course. Learn here which is…

TU Delft presents the eight best Climate Action & Energy Papers

TU Delft presents the eight best Climate Action & Energy Papers

Record temperatures, floodings and melting sea ice: radical weather events are becoming more frequent and have a devastating effect on our…


Atsushi Urakawa Professor Staff & Support Team Els Arkesteijn Secretary & Administrative support Willy Rook Technician Bart van der Linden…


Student initiatied workshops and events to help students build emotional resilience in a low-key environment. Project Background As part of…

Macro-CT scanner

General Information Instruments: Siemens Somatom Definition Dual Beam CT-scanner. Description: CT-scanner, similar to the ones used for…

Micro-CT scanner

General Information Instruments: TESCAN, CoreTOM Micro CT Description: Micro computed tomography scanner to characterize microstructures of…

Workshop: Co-Creating a Vision for the Dutch Mobility System in 2050

Workshop: Co-Creating a Vision for the Dutch Mobility System in 2050

Workshop: Co-Creating a Vision for the Dutch Mobility System in 2050 20 September 2024 09:00 till 13:00 - Location: TU Delft | Campus The…

Boards of Studies

The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment has 2 Boards of Studies: BoS BSc Bouwkunde and MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building…