Forms Master
Here you find different forms such as application for starting your master thesis. Read the form carefully before filling-in. Only fully completed and signed forms will be processed.
From Q2 2024/2025, most students use MyCase instead of these forms. For who are these forms?
- students from the ‘old’ CIE and AES programmes (those who started in 2021 or earlier) use the forms below.
- students that have started their MSc thesis (prep) before Q2 2024/2025 will continue to use the forms below.
From Q2 2024/2025, most students use MyCase instead of these forms. For who are these forms?
- students from the ‘old’ AES programme (those who started in 2021 or earlier) use the forms below.
- students that have started their MSc thesis (prep) before Q2 2024/2025 will continue to use the forms below.
MSc for students started in or after September 2022
- AES-1 Admission to start Master Thesis Preparation
- AES-2 Graduation Kick-off Proposal and Committee Approval
- AES-2a Changes to Composition of the Graduation Committee
- AES-3 Green Light for Final Graduation presentation
- MSc thesis grading sheet (Excel, v1-2 February 2022): to be used by the assessment committee. Includes the grading guide, a brief version of the grading guide, a description of the (sub-)criteria, and an example grading sheet.
- MSc grading guide (print version, pdf, version 1.1 October 2021): includes the grading guide, a brief version of the grading guide, a description of the (sub-)criteria, and an example grading sheet.
MSc forms for students started before September 2022
- AES-0 Procedure Graduation MSc student started before September 2020
- AES-0 Procedure Graduation MSc student started in or after September 2020
- AES-1 Form Application Start Final Thesis
- AES-2 Form Master Examination Programme (Enkele afdelingen gebruiken een aangepaste versie van dit formulier. Controleer eerst of er wellicht een aangepast formulier wordt gebruikt voor uw MSc track.)
- AES-2a Form for changes Master Examination Programme Assessment Committee
- AES-2b Form Assessment Committee
- AES-3 Form Application MSc Degree
- Information on update of the MSc thesis grading guide & sheet for AES & CIE (version October 2021): includes information on transition for students who started their MSc thesis before September 2021 and on functional changes to the grading sheet in October 2021.
- MSc thesis grading sheet (Excel, v1-2 February 2022): to be used by the assessment committee. Includes the grading guide, a brief version of the grading guide, a description of the (sub-)criteria, and an example grading sheet.
- MSc grading guide (print version, pdf, version 1.1 October 2021): includes the grading guide, a brief version of the grading guide, a description of the (sub-)criteria, and an example grading sheet.
From Q2 2024/2025, most students use MyCase instead of these forms. For who are these forms?
- students from the ‘old’ CIE programme (those who started in 2021 or earlier) use the forms below.
- students that have started their MSc thesis (prep) before Q2 2024/2025 will continue to use the forms below.
MSc forms for students started in or after September 2022
- CIEM - 0 Graduation Procedure
- CIEM0400 - Assessment form Thesis Preparation
- CIEM - 1 Graduation Kick-off Proposal and Committee Approval
- CIEM - 1a Changes to Composition of the Graduation Committee
- CIEM - 2 Green Light for Final Graduation Presentation
- MSc thesis grading sheet (Excel 120224): to be used by the assessment committee. Includes the grading guide, a brief version of the grading guide, a description of the (sub-)criteria, and an example grading sheet
- MSc CIE thesis grading guide (print version, pdf, version Feb 2024): includes the grading guide, a brief version of the grading guide, a description of the (sub-)criteria, and an example grading sheet.
MSc forms for students started before September 2022
- CIE-0 Procedure Graduation student started before September 2020
- CIE-0 Procedure Graduation student started in or after September 2020
- CIE-1 Application Start MSc (aanvang afstuderen)
- CIE-2 Form master examination programme (graduation card application) (Some departments use a modified version of this form. Please check first whether a modified form may be used for your MSc track).
- Double Track CIE-2 form
- CIE-2a Form for changes in master examination programme /Aessessment Committee
- CIE-2b Form Assessment Committee
- CIE-3 Application form MSc degree (aanvraag MSc examen)
- CIE-2 CoMeM Form master examination programme
- Information on update of the MSc thesis grading guide & sheet for AES & CIE (version October 2021): includes information on transition for students who started their MSc thesis before September 2021 and on functional changes to the grading sheet in October 2021.
- MSc thesis grading sheet (Excel, v1-2 February 2022): to be used by the assessment committee. Includes the grading guide, a brief version of the grading guide, a description of the (sub-)criteria, and an example grading sheet
- MSc grading guide (print version, pdf, version 1.1 October 2021): includes the grading guide, a brief version of the grading guide, a description of the (sub-)criteria, and an example grading sheet.
From Q2 2024/2025, most students use MyCase instead of these forms. Students that have started their MSc thesis (prep) before Q2 2024/2025 will continue to use the forms below.
- TIL-0 Graduation procedure student started before September 2022
- TIL-0 Graduation procedure student started in or after September 2022
- TIL-1 Form application start master thesis project
- TIL-1a Form for changes Assessment Committee
- TIL-2 Master examination programme MSc students 2015-2016
- TIL-2 Master examination programme MSc students 2016-2017
- TIL-2 Master examination programme MSc students 2017-2018
- TIL-2 Master examination programme MSc students 2018-2019
- TIL-2 Master examination programme MSc students 2019-2020
- TIL-2 Master examination programme MSc students 2020-2021
- TIL-2 Master examination programme MSc students 2021-2022
- TIL-2a Form for changes master examination programme
- TIL-3 Form application MSc degree
- TIL5060 Master Thesis Grading Scheme
- TIL5060 Grading sheet Additional Examiner
- TIL5060 Grading sheet Examiner 1 and 2
- TIL5060 Grading sheet Final grading
From Q2 2024/2025, most students use MyCase instead of these forms. Students that have started their MSc thesis (prep) before Q2 2024/2025 will continue to use the forms below.
- CME-1: Application start MSc thesis
- CME-2: Graduation Kick-off Proposal and Committee Approval
- CME-2a: Changes to Composition of the Graduation Committee
- CME-3: Green Light for Graduation Thesis Defence
The ISP forms are for registering the individual study plan, and should only be used by students who have started the MSc before 1 September 2019. Students of cohort 2019-2020, or later, should use MyStudyPlanning.
- ISP-1: Individual Study Plan
- ISP-2: Change to Individual Study Plan
From Q2 2024/2025, most students use MyCase instead of these forms. Students that have started their MSc thesis (prep) before Q2 2024/2025 will continue to use the forms below.
- ENVE-1 Graduation Kick-off Proposal and Committee Approval
- ENVE-1a Changes to Composition of the Graduation Committee
- ENVE-2 Green Light for Graduation Thesis Defence
For students that start their thesis before Q2 in academic year 2024-2025
For students that start their thesis in or after Q2 in academic year 2024-2025